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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio segreteria PR
- 9 gennaio 1996

Mr Huan Bingjing, Moscow correspondent of the Gjinggji Zhibao (Economic Daily), has called me today asking for interview on Radical Party's campaign for Tibet. The interview was scheduled on Thursday, January 11, at 3.00 PM Moscow time in our office.

Do anybody have any suggestions/proposals/recommendations what to accent in this interview? First of all I ask Olivier, of course, but also anybody engaged in coordinating our campaign.

Gjinggji Zhibao (Economic Daily) is a daily newspaper specialized on the field of economy. The paper is being published in Peking by State Council of People's Republic of China and it is highlighting questions of economical and political life of the country as well as international events. Circulation 1.5 millions of copies. The paper is founded in 1983. It has bureaus in New York, Tokyo, Bonn, London, Vienna, Brussels, Geneve, Budapest, Sofia, Cairo, Moscow, Almaty.

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