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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio segreteria PR
- 25 gennaio 1996

Cari amici!

I hope you've already read the text I placed in CONFERENCE RADICAL PARTY, where I've expressed our intention to organize a seminar in Kyiv. But I've decided to write in this conference also, in order to discuss with you all the possibility of organizing this seminar.

Considering the big number and a good quality of contacts established, the seminar is capable to put forward a vast sphere of Tibetan problems, culturologic, religious and up to political ones.

Taking under consideration the specific of ex-USSR countries, considering their economic dependence on China, I believe, such seminar organization is not only important, but necessary. Unfortunately, an official position of nearly all CIS countries is identical concerning China and Tibet relations: all of them hardly worry about human rights violations in Tibet. Politicians close their eyes and consider the problem of Tibet to be strictly interior affair of China. So, I'll be happy if we will be able to organize this seminar not for residents of Kyiv or even Ukraine, but to organize an all-CIS seminar in Kyiv.

I need your advice and help, and I'd like to address Danilo QUINTO with a request if there is any possibility of financial support of the seminar in Kyiv.

Best regards and nice work to everybody,

Alex Kostritskiy

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