Dear friends,
As you could read already in Conference Radical Party (text 8268), the first after many years conscientious objector was imprisoned some days ago in Russia. His name is Vadim HESSE (he is an ethnical German, that's why he has a German surname).
Vadim Hesse was an adherent of ARA. Yesterday he joined Radical Party for 1996 just from the prison cell (through his brother).
Thus, now, since yesterday Radical Party seem to have two its members imprisoned for their beliefs: FRANCISCO CHAVIANO in Cuba and VADIM HESSE in Russia. It's interesting, that Hesse was arrested in fact simultaneously with Russia's admission to Council of Europe...
The Hesse's case rapidly becomes well known, not only in Russia (this days in many radio news it was broadcasted about him, one hour special program was broadcasted yesterday on Radio Echo Moscow, etc.) but also in the world (we got already first responses from WRI German section).
I am sure, we - Radical Party - are just obliged to use his case not only for widening our anti-militarist campaign for conscientious objection right in Russia, but also for the party's promotion both in Russia and in the world. In my opinion, it would be extremely important that - unlike Alina Vituhnovskaja's case - we would the first who starts INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN TO FREE VADIM HESSE AND FOR CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION RIGHT IN RUSSIA. As for me, it will be very vexing if, for instance, the EP resolution on Hesse's case and conscientious objection in Russia will be passed on the initiative of, say, German Greens but not us Radicals (ERA group).
Let's think together, what is possible to do. As what I could propose just in this second, I think about draft motion in EP and - probably - some national parliaments, than, a sort of postcards campaign, etc.
Please let me know what are you thinking. We _must_ use this case, folks!