Currently we have gathered in Moscow office 31 adhesion to the
"Flag For Tibet In Your Window" initiative: 26 from Russia, 1
from Belarus, 4 from Azerbaijan. Some new adhesion, no doubt, we
will get during the upcoming open assembly of Moscow Radicals
(the next Sunday, February 11).
Another attempt is that we started to call by phone members '95
and '94 as well as subscribers of our appeal, who received
recently the "letter Quinto - Dupuis" on membership campaign
with Tibetan and anti-militarist enclosing in order to press
them asking following questions:
- do they renew (or make at first time) their RP's membership
for 1996;
- do they join "Flag For Tibet In Your Window" initiative buying
the flag;
- do they join ARA for 1996 (the calling is being made mainly by
ARA activists and adherents using their home telephones).
Currently we call Moscow Radicals and supporters (426 persons).
Tomorrow evening, during the preparatory reunion in the office
for February 11 assembly, we shall know some first results and
we will post them here.
For what concerns Saint Petersburg (211 calls to do), I spoke
today with Kira Ponochevnaja (she contacted us after receiving
the letter). According to her, Fedor Chub says Radical Party
apparently doesn't exist anymore (!?), he is not working for it
anymore and she says, he even rejected to accept her membership
fee... Anyway, currently she will call St.Petersburg's 211
persons in order to ask the same questions for membership '96
and flag promotion.
In other cities (Ekaterinburg, Cheljabinsk, Tula, Voronezh, ...)
there are from 10 to 20 persons to be contacted by phone and in
the next days we will engage our punti riferimento in that
cities to receive phone lists and membership 96 coupons from
Moscow office and start to call there.
Absolutely important I consider also a number of public Radical
assemblies (in the cities not far from Moscow). After Moscow's
February 11 appointment, another one is scheduled in Noginsk on
February 25 (60 km from Moscow, 120,000 inhabitants) where we
can use 100-places hall free of charge.
Fresh news will follow.