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mer 12 feb. 2025
[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio segreteria PR
- 14 febbraio 1996

In fact, as you know, the Russian parliament - the State Duma - has been elected just two months ago. His first session was held three weeks ago. The main difficulty is that till now there are no post boxes of MPs, as before: since composing of the commities is not yet completed and therefore rooming is not yet defined. This may cause certain delay with handing personal envelops to Russian MPs. The expedition office of the Duma cannot fulfil this work too, because of the same reason (if even there will be a formal order of such kind from Committee On Organizing Of Duma's Work, without such an order expedition office will not distribute our letters if they did not arrived by normal post but were just brought "by hand").

Currently we are trying to get in the commities at least some draft lists of its members, in order to bring the envelops directly to the committies for distribution among their members.

Of course, we will immediately inform you here in Segreteria Pr when this work will be effectively completed.

At the same time I cannot avoid to reject another time Olivier's accusations addressed to Moscow office in malicious boycottage against mailing the "Quinto-Dupuis letter" on membership campaign. That's thrue, the letter dated by October was sent in January. However the reasons of such a delay - absence of bank transfer from Rome with $1,400 necessary for this work - are well known by everybody who wants to know, they were explained by detailed way here in the Conference (text 2815, January 23).

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