I share completely Olivier's conviction that it would be much better to organize a good manifestation in Moscow instead to spend force, time (even if not money) in order to send two or three or even ten Russians to Brussels demonstration. Together with manifestation in Washington DC this manifestation in Moscow could form a good "triangle": America, Europe, ex-USSR...
It is only a pitty that such a clever decision was taken so late. I must remember that yet two weeks ago, it was decided not to write in the TibetFax information about Moscow manifestation on March 10 (the decision taken on reunion of Moscow Radicals on January 24) in order "not to mislead people and not to draw attention from the Brussels manifestation"... OK, anyway, it's better later than never.
Nevetheless I must clear the situation and our pssibilities for such a demonstration in Moscow, since I see that for instance Olivier doesn't imagine well what we have here on Tibetan field when speaking about "una manifestazione dignitosa, con tre, quattro cento persone a Mosca".
In Russia currently effectively exist two "Friends of Tibet Society": in Saint Petersburg and in Ulan Ude. Not in Moscow, where noone pro-Tibetan group exists. That in Ulan Ude counts about 10 persons, but it is very difficult to take in consideration their participation in Moscow, since the flight ticket Ulan Ude - Moscow costs much more than Moscow - Brussels and therefore common people just cannot arrive in Moscow.
FTS in Saint Petersburg counts from 5 to 7 persons, but till now they completely ignore all our initiatives (although being perfectly informed) - they even did not buy 1 (one!) Tibetan flag. The reasons in my opinion are connected with some personal ambitions of their secretary Mrs Kozhenvnikova, who seems to me not ready to collaborate with anybody who is not "her follower", not ready to participate in any initiative if only this initiative is not her personal one...
Therefore, the forces which effectively are at our disposal for the action on March 10 in Moscow are:
1) 5 (five) ethnical Tibetans living in Moscow, including Navang Rabgyal and Tashi, who form by themselves so called "Tibetan community in Moscow";
2) 4-5 Buryat ladies who call themselves "Community of Moscow Buddhists" - a mythical, non-existing organization;
3) 10-12 activists of Antifascist Youth Action (AYA) who adhered to the initiative;
4) 10-15 Radical militants who always participate in all our demonstrations.
If even we will be able to intervene on Moscow Radio and drag another 3-4 sympatizers of Tibet among listeners, if will recruit 5-6 students of Moscow University after installing a table with flags in its lobby, even in this case we can't count on more than 40-45 persons. And this will be really a big victory in existing conditions.
There is however another special hope which I have: on March 6-7 in Moscow will be held congress of Soldiers' Mothers. As you know, many of them - all their leadership including - are Radicals or at least adherents of ARA. We can try to use them for the demonstration. But this are only some projects, I will inform if/when something concrete will be known for this issue.
Everybody must understand that we - Radical Party - are in European Russia the only group lobbying Tibetan issue. And we just start to say in Russia, that in generally such a country exists and such a problem should be resolved. Unlike in the West where the powerful support movement for Tibet exists for years...