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Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
cerca [dal 1999]

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Archivio segreteria PR
- 16 febbraio 1996
really getting too much tired with the...

[text posted today in conference babel]

...Rugova Daily Report

Dear A.Nura,

First of all, thank you very much for letting us know what's going on in Kosova.

This is an activity that I personally pursued for several years. Together with a secretary in Sofia, Bulgaria, we engaged ourselves in the re-typing of the "Rugova daily report" which we used to receive originally by fax - and then through the Internet, whereby we would then edit and upload it onto this conference. As you know, one can find over five-hundred "Rugova daily reports" in this telematic conference, through which it is possible to find out just where, exactly, Mr Rugova pissed on August 15, 1995, for instance, or shitted the day after, and so on...

Well, frankly speaking, I became very tired with such nonsense, for the reason that - in exchange for this effort to disseminate information -, WE (as a party), NEVER GOT SO MUCH AS A REPLY, on the political level of course, FROM THE KOSOVARIAN LEADERSHIP, which, in my opinion, is only made up of paranoid people trying to find an obviously frustrating "satisfaction" by keeping their chairs in LDK (which is as democratic as Serbs are...)

So, who the hell do they think they are? Is playing God not enough for their ego, or do we have to address them with an title higher than God?!? Please let me know which one we should use...

So, in the end, apart from this problem of paranoia by the so-called leadership in Kosova (I don't believe Rugova is Kosova), I'd like to tell you, dear A.Nura, that when you write texts in English in this conference, please review them carefully, for your English is very pitiful, and I might even say it sucks. So check it out with your lover M.Lensi, another well-known polyglot...

Kisses, Michele

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