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gio 13 feb. 2025
[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio segreteria PR
- 28 febbraio 1996

Dear Danilo,

Some changements concerning organization of our manifestation on March 10 will be needed, I'm affraid. We got several adhesions to the platform of manifestation from side of Duma members, as well as intention of some politicians to arrive and interviene. Thus, I think it should be organized by a little more serious (and expensive) way. I'm affraid, we still will need radio amlification on the manifestation, since some intervention we will be not able to avoid. That's why $570 for radio bus were nevertheless included into the draft budget for March which we prepared and sent yesterday with Olga. We hope to get a positive response from you.



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