Frankly speaking, I loose already any hope to see the correct data about membership in Russia in the table being posted into Conference Radical Party by Tesseramento.Pr. And I do not ask anymore neither Giuseppe Lorenzi, nor other friends to insert in Tesoro new members arriving to Tesseramento from Russia and other CIS countries, because I understand that it is impossible to append 15 records containing data of new Russian Radicals.
I simply would like to inform Danilo Quinto, that $538 appearing in our draft budget as membership fees received in Russia during February are not taken from our ill fantasy. In Russia there are currently 39 members of Radical Party, although the famous membership table from Tesseramento many months states that we are only 18 and no Radical joined the party "in this month". That's true: 6 among them didn't actually reach Tesseramento.Pr, but the others really could be considered as "criptoradicali"...