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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio segreteria PR
- 27 marzo 1996
Message from Marat ZAKHIDOV

From: marat@rped.silk.glas.apc.org

Received: from silk.glas.apc.org(really []) by glas.apc.org via sendmail with esmtp

Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 02:15:41 +0500

My name Marat Zakhidov. I am coordinator of the Radical Party in Uzbekistan. My position is National Direktor of the International "Vision" Eye Clinic in Tashkent. At the same time I am Representitive of the International Human Rights Organization for Uzbekistan (FrankfurtMain, Germany). I and most Uzbeks Radicals support this message FREEDOM FOR TIBET. My greetings to Olivier and Emma. My special greetings to Emma from my daughter Nazira (she is young Radical, Her age 14). Two years ago she sent message to Emma B. Last summer Nazira had been to London and fond article about Emma. This article about fish problem in Algeria - something like this. She was very proud and save this newspaper. I promised Her to let Emma know about this.


Marat Zakhidov.

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