Brussels/Rome, April 16, 1996
Dear friend,
even if with some delay, we are pleased to send you the 1996 membership card of the transnational and cross-divisional Radical Party.
During the past year we were able to soundly reduce our organization's debts and costs, but the economic and financial situation remains particularly difficult. That is the main reason we have been unable to keep you more timely and adequately informed about the numerous initiatives that we have developed in spite of the above-mentioned difficulties, mainly thanks to those, like you, who joined or re-joined the Radical Party.
Especially the campaign for the Freedom of Tibet, that we carried out together with our Tibetan friends and many Tibet Support Groups in Tibet and Europe and America, has been very successful: over 600 mayors from 23 countries have joined the initiative "A flag for Tibet", and over 6,000 people gathered in Brussels on March 10, 1996 for the first European demonstration for the freedom of Tibet. With regard to other initiatives decided by the Congress in the Resolution, a significant work has been made and is currently in progress at the United Nations over the issues of the establishment of a permanent International Criminal Court, and the establishment of a global moratorium on capital executions.
However, in the upcoming weeks we hope to send you an outlook distinctly assessing the situation, summarizing the activities we are planning for the future months, and reporting over the Party's reorganization, a task we were entrusted by the last Congress.
Should you have a fax machine or an e-mail address, please request us to send you the two weekly short newsletters of information and action over our initiatives: "Freedom for Tibet - Democracy for China / Fax" and "Transnational Fax". Daily news is also available in "Conference Radical Party" of the multilingual telematic system Agora', telnet: agora.
In the meantime, you would be very helpful in using the enclosed form to persuade the people closer to you in joining or giving a contribution for the life of the Radical Party.
Very grateful for your trust, please accept our warmest regards,
Danilo Quinto Olivier Dupuis
Treasurer Secretary