Eventually info about the others perif. are REALLY appreciate too.Thanks all for cooperation (as soon as possible).
PS Dont care about the grammar mistakes in the list of the country.
The only important are: address/tel/fax
BRUXELLES belgique
97-113, rue Belliard, Rem 508
1047 Bruxelles
tel. +32-2-2842579/2304121
fax. +32-2-2303670/2849198
ROME italie
via di Torre Argentina, 76
00186 Roma
tel.+39-6-689791 - fax. 68805396
866 United Nation Plaza # 408
10017 New York-NY
BUDAPEST hongrie
Dorottya u.3.III.em.6.
1051 Budapest
tel. +36-1-2663486, 2660935 - fax.1187937
PARIS france
3 rue de la Boétie
75008 Paris
tel.+33-1-47422241 - fax. 47428293
MOSCOU russie
Trubnaja ulitsa 25-2-49
103051 Moskva
tel/fax. +7-092-39127
BAKOU azerba jan
Rasul Rza 1/16-22
370000 Baki
BUCAREST roumanie
Calea Victoriei 32-34 et.4 ap.18
Sect.1 Bucuresti
tel. +40-161-36031 fax. 3126364
CHISINAU moldavie
c/o Alecu Renita - S.Lazo 13
277074 Chisinau
tel/fax. +7-0422-237157
EREVAN armenie
Tsarench, 19
375000 Erevan
tel. +7-8852-551361
KIEV ukraine
Chervonoarmijska 114 - 20
252006 Kiev
tel. +7-044-2685526 fax 2692468
MADRID espagne
Apdo. Correos 19120
28080 Madrid
tel. +34-1-4587274 - fax. 3440166
MINSK biélorussie
c/o Svetlana Koptel
Kiseleva 22-21
220029 Minsk
tel. +7-0172-435395
OUAGADOUGOU burkina faso
01 B.P.
6313 - Ouagadougou
PRAGUE rép. tchèque
P.O. BOX 287
11121 Praha 1
tel/fax. +42-2-264393
Voronezhskaja 33, 4·
191000 Sank-Petersbourg
tel. +7-812-167775
SARAJEVO bosnie-herzegovine
c/o Adem Sehovic - tel.+387-71-484853
SOFIA bulgarie
Ul. Gladstone 29
1000 Sofia
tel/fax. +359-2-896535
SUBOTICA voïvodine
c/o Lajos Balla
Ul. 29 Novembra 14
24426 Tresnjevac
TASHKENT ouzbékistan
c/o Marat Zakhidov
Rashidov 40/141
700029 Tashkent
tel. +7-3712-566809 - fax. 565407
TBILISSI géorgie
Leselidze 10
tel. +7-0372-435395
TIRANA albanie
Rr. Miqesia P.3 Sh.2 Ap.13
tel. +355-42-23511
VARSOVIE pologne
Filtrowa 79 M.37
02-032 Warszawa
tel/fax. +482-21654
VILNIUS lituanie
Vitenio, 2/40 - kv. 26
tel. +37-2-634265
ZAGREB croatie
Ilica 8
41000 Zagreb
tel/fax. +3851-277959