in the newsletter of the "Tibetan friendship group Australia (INC), July 1996
(...) One support group was part of the "Radical Political Party of Europe", which seems to consist of young people in their twenties, well educated, humorous and very energetic. They come from a number of western European countries and have strong traditional themes such as human rights, not the radical kind one might expect from their name. Their enthusiasm and effectiveness made a good impression. Earlier this year they had a big Tibet Flag Day campaign for which they had thousands of Tibetan flags made cheaply and wrote thousands of letters to cities and major towns in Europe asking that they fly Tibetan flags an Tibet's National Day. Lists of those who promised to do so were sent to those hesitating and the press was alerted. Flags were supplied at cost and the effort was very successful both with the number flown and the publicity gained. They plan to repeat the effort next year and the TFG committee will be considering whether to be involved. We would be interested to hear from any of our supporters w
ho would like to help. (...)