From: (Jack)
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 1996 04:37:15 GMT
Organization: Three indians looney bin and fast food joint
I'm sorry to waste your time in this way, but the number of really poor english phrase/word translations in these notices is getting to me. This particular one is no worse or better than any of the others.
I hope, in my small way, to assist in your efforts by pointing out where your translator(s) are "missing the pitch" and possibly causing confusion where clarity is desired.
If you would like to have these read/edited by a native English speaker, I would be glad to offer my services (free, of course).
Anyway, thanks a bunch for your efforts. Without the free flow of
information we will never be able to beat back these oppresive and
stupid laws.
On Thu, 25 Jul 96 15:9:5 GMT, you wrote:
CORA board, started a starvation dialogue in order to induce the Minister of Social Affairs, Ms Livia Turco, to intervene strongly.
What the heck is a "starvation dialog"?
* Adhesions PAA. Among the new adhesions we point out the following European Parliamentarians: Ms Adelaide Aglietta and Mr Carlo Ripa di Meana (Green Party) Italy.
"Adhesions"??? Maybe "adherents"?
I consider a report which is "enumerative","without numbers", a report without inconvenience for anyone not a good report.
Let's start with going back to the roots of the problem! Let's start with regulating and legalizing all drugs, right away!
SPAIN * The National Plan against Drugs admitted for the first time the death of four people caused by the direct effects of ecstasy use. Spain is "admitted" = "attributed"?
the European country that registers the highest use of this drug, after the United Kingdom. From 197 tablets distrained in 1987, the total reached 739,511 tablets last year.
(EL PAIS, 06/24).
"distrained" = "confiscated", right?
FRANCE * In France, the treatment of substitution through methadon and more recently, through buprenorfina, showed a remarkable improvement of health quality. In the meantime, on June 30th, a debate was announced, suppressing morphine sulfate, a pain-killer used in an empiric way by general physicians. Ms Francoise de Veyrinas, the new responsible for the "empiric" meaning what in this context?
ARGENTINA * In Argentina, a judge issued a summons against Antonio Escohotado, philosopher and professor at the UNED, for suspicionned apology of drug use. The police could not arrest Escohotado because he already "apology" meaning "advocacy"?
EUROPEAN UNION * After the European Summit in Florence, the Europol will be effective. The chief of the E.U Coordination of Police, Jurger Storbeck,
"effective" = "activated"?
COLOMBIA * The Colombian Secretary of State protested against the U.S.A. for their interference in the Colombian interior affairs, accusing
"interior" should be "internal".
ITALY * Don Luigi Ciotti, founder of "Il gruppo di Abele" (The Abel Group), proposed, during a meeting of the Coordination of the Therapeutic Communities, which took place in Ascoli Piceno, to depenalize soft drugs and list them as toxic substances (as alcohol and smoke). Don Ciotti said: "that science says what it thinks about it, in a clear way and without exploiting the situation. I like people who have clear ideas, and this is not an invitation to use drugs. But we must stop to blame the weak people,
"to blame" is very wrong. It should be "blaming". As written, it is saying that we should blame the weak, which is plainly the opposite of what is meant here.
ITALY * the liberalization of soft drugs, for a long time the war-horse of Marco Pannella, leader of the Reformists, arrived yesterday in the Constitutional Court for examination. The judges met the problem of the transfer of narco-substances to third-parties, that the law is still sanctioning with penalty. The case goes back to August 28th, 1995, when
"sanctioning with penalty" should be "penalizing" for clarity. The meaning of "sanction" is rather slippery as it can mean either "to penalize" (in which case it would be repetitive) or "to approve" (which it most likely does not in this context).
Pannella was apprehended for distributing marijuana in the street. After having proceeded to a judicial research, the judge for preliminary research
"research" should probably be "inquiry".
Switzerland * The subcommission for the policy on drugs of the Helvetian Confederation unanimously approved the governmental model of the "four pillars" (prevention, repression, therapy and help for the survival). It calls on a revision of the normative on drugs prepared by the "Schild
"revision of the normative"?
Keep up the good work!