(Fasti forzosi?)
Gu capi gnint de qvel c'l'a dit el Pietrosant, but I suppose che al scriv ingles par fas capì dai cumpagn de Niyork, to solicit, thanks to them, the intervention of CNN. I completely agree.
Alora, mi, scrivaria anca un poco veneto e un cicinin lumbard (parchè son gnoranto e no so l'esperanto). Digo solo che saria proprio belo se qualcun de la CNN se ocupase de noi poareti. Me par de vederla quela cinesina dela CNN che la dise, con vile sodisfasione nasionalistica: "Yesterday in Budapest a member of Radical party, transnational and transdivisional cross parties, died of hunger. In the last five mounths hi had eaten only soup of orticas, according to the old receipt of the tibetan saint Milarepa. Chinese President Zemin stated: We told them that tibetan cooking is danger!"