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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio segreteria PR
- 24 agosto 1996
Transnational Fax/Philippe Bérizzi

Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1996 17:26:25 +0200

To: Pr.Bruxelles@agora.stm.it

From: pberizzi@pratique.fr (Philippe Bérizzi)

Subject: Re: TRANSFAX #4



(...) Published in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Croatian. (...)




Florence, June 22/23. The fifth Congress of the "Esperanto Radikala Asocio" (ERA)

* remembering the achieved successes:

- the Ministerial Circular 126, which for the first time provides complete information on Esperanto to all the Italian schools;

- the 105 schools in 29 countries worldwide connected through the Fundapax Project which has been approved and financed by the UNESCO;

- the approval and the financing of 55% by the European Commission of the Information Project on "The cost of (non) communication in Europe";

* in view of a realistic possibility to adopt Esperanto as an international auxiliary language, by 2005 and 2020 in all the countries in Europe and in the world

* charges its responsibles with the organization of a research campaign on the financial possibilities and the human ressources.

Elected responsibles: President: Leo SOLARI - Secretary: Giorgio PAGANI - Treasurer: Daniela GIGLIOLO.

Mi salutas vian laboron favore al esperanto (kvankam iom bedawras ke malmultas ekooj en la e-aj bultenoj, cxe Internet, ktp.)

Estante mem komitatano de la junulara E-movado en Francio, mi sxatus raporti pri viaj aktivajxoj en niaj revuo.

Vi versxajne komprenos ke en niaj bultenoj ni preferus raporti en alia internacia lingvo ol la angla.

Mi ja povas mem traduki, sed efikeco postulas ke en la mondo du homoj ne faru ekzakte la saman laboron senutile.

Do eble iu alia jam faris, aw ecx ke Radikala Partio mem antawvidis aldoni esperanton al siaj aliaj laborlingvoj (English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Croatian !), des pli se vi volas kapti la intereson de la unuaj interesatoj: esperantistoj.

Mi dankas vin.

Filip' Berizzi (Francio)

,,w,, Philippe Bérizzi (fran ais/english/esperanto)

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