Brussels, August 30, 1996
Dear Mayor,
on March 10th of this year you were, together with other 606 majors from 25 different countries, protagonist of "A Flag for Tibet" campaign, giving, in this way, a clear and concrete proof of solidarity with one of the most oppressed people of the world, victim of more than forty years of ferocious occupation by the Peking regime.
With "A Flag for Tibet" campaign, the first European demonstration (which saw over 7.000 people marching in the streets of Brussels on March 9th), and with several parliamentarian resolutions, approved by the European, German, Luxembourgian and Belgian Parliaments, in which, for the first time, the invasion and the occupation of Tibet by the People's Republic of China has been clearly denounced, Europe has finally showed - after years of silence - that the future of the Tibetan people and the protection of its traditions and ancient culture is becoming a political and civil European responsibility.
The T.R.P., in collaboration with the Tibetan Government in Exile and several Tibet Support Groups, has decided to promote the flag campaign again, but with a substantial difference. As a matter of fact, this year's mobilization will be extended to thousands and thousands of mayors worldwide. This project, ambitious as well as difficult, wants to achieve, for next March, the objective of more than 3.000 Tibetan flags waving on as many city halls as possible.
At the same time, the T.R.P., in collaboration with the Tibet Support Groups, has organized at the U.N. Human Rights Commission in Geneva, a second European rally for the freedom of Tibet, on Sunday March 9th, 1997.
In order to give more strength to our campaign, which will lead us to a Gandhian Satyagraha, a nonviolent mobilization in 1998, the T.R.P. is also organizing a campaign which asks thousands of city administrations all around the world, to dedicate a street or a square to the Tibetan cause.
Unfortunately, several borough laws do not allow local administrations to give a name of a person who is still alive to a street or a square. Names like Tenzin Gyatso, the 10th Dalai Lama, or Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, the young Panchen Lama, kidnapped by the Chinese authorities, cannot be used. As possible alternatives, the T.R.P. proposes "Dalai Lama", "Panchen Lama", "Tibet Free Street" or "Tibet Free Square".
The T.R.P. asks for your support, and invites you to confirm your adhesion to "A Flag for Tibet" campaign on March 9th and 10th 1997. We would also like to ask you to put a motion "A square for Tibet" to your own city council.
Sincerely yours,
Olivier Dupuis
Transnational Radical Party Secretary
Member of the European Parliament
PS.1 The Transnational Radical Party publishes every ten days a bulletin of information on the campaigns "Freedom for Tibet and Democracy for China" which can be sent via fax or via email.
In order to receive it, please send your fax number or email address to: Radical Party - c/o European Parliament - REM 5.08 - Rue Belliard 97 - 1047 Brussels - Tel. +32-2-230.41.21; Fax. +32-2-230.36.70; e-mail:
PS.2 Enclosed:
a. List of the Mayors who adhered to "A flag for Tibet" Campaign 1996;
b. Adhesion Coupon for "A flag for Tibet" Campaign 1997;
c. Postcard for the release of the Panchen Lama.