I. International and ad-hoc Tribunals
a) A-3041 Soutien à des organisations non-gouvernementales oeuvrant pour l'instauration d'une juridication pénale internationale
Dupuis, Pradier, Dell'Alba
+ 400 000 Ecus (p)
In the light of the importance of the work done by the ad-hoc Tribunals on former Yugoslavia and Ruanda, and the development of the negotiations within the UN for the creation of a Permanent International Tribunal, it is becoming more and more important to work in favour of the establishment of permanent criminal jurisdiction.
b) B7-536 preservation of the activities of the ad-hoc Tribunal for former Yugoslavia
Dupuis, Dell'Alba, Müller, Pradier
3 000 000 Ecus (e)
This amount is designated to maintain the activities of the UN ad-hoc Tribunal for former Yugoslavia. It is not designated to be only used for the direct financing of the tribunal, but also to implement additional projects to find proof through complementary inquieries, wittness'interrogatories, operations of excavation, etc.
The trial of the war criminals is very important also in view of the reconstruction of a tolerant and pluralistic society in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and more generally in all the republics of the former Yugoslavia. The world community has manifestated this exigence and has created the International penal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. In view of the particular interest of the European Union in favour a long term solution for the conflict in the former Yugoslavia and in view of the concrete help already provided to the Tribunal, the EU have to sustain the activities of the Tribunal in the most efficient way possible, with an autonomus and specific budget line.
c) B7-702 (bis N) Sustaining the activity of the ad-hoc Tribunal for Ruanda
Dupuis, Dell'Alba, Pradier
3.000.000 Ecus (e)
This amount is designated to maintain the activities of the UN ad-hoc Tribunal for Ruanda. It is not designated to be only used for the financing the direct expenses of the Tribunal, but also to implement additional projects to find proof through complementary inquieries, wittness'interrogatories, operations of excavation, etc.
II. Former Yugoslavia
a) B7-540 Protocoles financiers avec les républiques de l'ancienne Yugoslavie
Dupuis, Dell'Alba
Transfer the part regarding Slovenia, numbers and commentaries to budget line B7-500 "Aide à la reconstruction économique des pays de l'Europe centrale et orientale"
Slovenia, since its independence, has detached itself quickly and voluntarily from the events that the other countries originating from former Yugoslavia experienced in different degrees, participating from that time on in a structured dialogue, set to work by the Commission, with the other PECO countries. In this context, the budgetary plan should reflect the new political situation in Slovenia.
b) B7-541 Actions de reconstruction des républiques issues de l'Ancienne Yougoslavie
Dupuis, Dell'Alba
add: "This budgetary line is only accessible for the states and state entities that implement the obligations resulting from the Dayton peace, especially those relating to the protection of human rights, as well as the decisions of the ad-hoc Tribunal".
In view of the participation of the EU in the signing of the Dayton accords and it being a fervent defender of human rights, it can not contribute to the reconstruction of former Yugoslavia, unless these two conditions are respected.
c) B7-542 Aide spéciale aux réfugiés dans les républiques issues de l'ancienne Yougoslavie
Dupuis, Dell'Alba
add: "This budgetary line is only accessible for the states and state entities that implement the obligations resulting from the Dayton peace, especially those relating to the protection of human rights, as well as the decisions of the ad-hoc Tribunal".
In view of the participation of the EU in the signing of the Dayton accords and it being a fervent defender of human rights, it can not contribute to the reconstruction of former Yugoslavia, unless these two conditions are respected.
d) B7-7001 Action communautaire d'aide à la démocratie et d'appui au processus de pacification pour les républiques issues de l'ancienne Yougoslavie
Dupuis, Dell'Alba
1,000 Ecus (p)
This credit is designated to cover the financing of the actions for the support of the pacification process, to pacify tensions and to develop democracy, by among other things the promotion of a free and independent media in the republics originating from former Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Macedonia) as well as in the autonomous regions of Kosovo and Voivodine.
100,000 ecus are designated for the University of Tetova (Macedonia) to contribute to the establishment of a University for the Albanese language and culture.
The Albanese language community of Macedonia represents one of the most important entities of the country and it would be useful to assist in establishing the conditions for the preservation of its culture.
III. Mines
a) B7-661 Participation communautaire aux actions relatives aux mines antipersonnel
Dupuis, Dell'Alba, Pradier
+ 3 000 000 (e); + 4 000 000 Ecus (p)
Considering the pursued objectives of this activity and the size of the 'demining' operations, the donation adopted by the EP in 1996 should be extended.
IV. Tibet
a) B7-6008 Aides aux organisations non gouvernementales intervenant en faveur des réfugiés tibétains
Dupuis, Dell'Alba
+ 2 600 000 Ecus (e); + 2 600 000 Ecus (p)
New commentary:
EP Resolution of 18 May 1995 on Tibet
this credit is designated to cover the co-financing with NGOs of infrastructural and rehabilitation projects for the tibetan population.
This post was put into the budget of 1996 at the initiative of the EP. It has been omitted from the draft budget of the Commission. However, the activities realised in 1996 have shown the extreme need of these subsidies for the Tibetan refugees and it seems important to continue and increase this activity in1997.
b) B7-702 Droits de l'homme et démocratie dans les pays en développement
Dupuis, Dell'Alba
+ 2,000 Ecus (e); + 2,300 Ecus (p)
Commentaire (ajouter):
EP Resolution of 18 May 1995 on Tibet (JO n C151 of 19/0695, p.278)
It covers equally the promotion of information, in particularly by radio, of Tibetans, in exile as well as living in Tibet, on all non-violent initiatives for the protection and promotion of human rights, for democratie and freedom of Tibet, as well as for the initiatives taken in this regard by the EU and the financing of the research program on Tibetan culture by the International Institute for Peace Research (PRIO).
This action was put into the budget of 1996 at the initiative of the EP. It has been omitted from the draft budget of the Commission. However, the activities realised in 1996 have shown the extreme need of these subsidies for the benefit of the Tibetans, both in exile and in Tibet, and it seems important to continue and increase this activity in 1997.
c) B7-300 Coopération financière et technique avec les pays en développement d'Asie
Dupuis, Dell'Alba
+ 21.500.000 Ecus (e); + 10.000.000 Ecus (p) (for all the countries)
the subsidies designated for Nepal are subordinated to the guarantee to not push back the Tibetan refugees by the government of this country
the government of Nepal pursues, in agreement with the government of the People's Republic of China, a systematic policy of pushing back Tibetan refugees
d) B7-301 Coopération économique avec les pays en développement d'Asie
Dupuis, Dell'Alba
+ 30.500.000 Ecus (e); + 16 000 000 Ecus (p)
the subsidies designated for Nepal are subordinated to the guarantee to not push back the Tibetan refugees by the government of this countryjustification:
the government of Nepal pursues, in agreement with the government of the People's Republic of China, a systematic policy of pushing back Tibetan refugees
e) B7-7040 Autres actions de défense des droits de l'homme
Dupuis, Dell'Alba
This credit equally envisages to support actions taken by NGOs striving for the protection and promotion of human rights in Tibet
This comment was already adopted by the European Parliament during the adoption of the 1996 budget and has been omitted from the draft budget of the Commission. However, the activities realised in 1996 have shown the extreme need of these subsidies and it seems important to continue this activity in 1997.
V. Bangladesh
B7-301 Coopération économique avec les pays en développement d'Asie
Dupuis, Dell'Alba
+ 30.500.000 Ecus (e); + 16.000.000 Ecus (p)
Twenty percent of the global aid to Bangladesh is for the repatriation of Bengali settlers, who have moved to the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), to areas outside the CHT region.
One of the main human rights violations concerning the CHT people is population transfer (of Bengali settlers, coming from the plains, into the Hill Tracts) which is a main cause of conflict in the region. The Bangladesh government claims it is willing to repatriate the Bengali settlers if funds are provided.
a) B7-7040 Autres actions de défense des droits de l'homme
Dupuis, Dell'Alba
In this budget line are also included, the submissions of organisations that strive for peoples not represented at the United Nations, such as UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation)
It is important that even peoples not represented at the United Nations can be equally defended in the places in which they live
VII. Taiwan
B7-660 N Autres actions externes de cooperation
Dupuis, Dell'Alba
Resolution of the EP of 18 July 1996
This post is designated for the co-financing, when the time is there, of external actions with the Republic of China.
In view of the evolution of the situation in Taiwan and the possibility to come to a definit structured form of cooperation in the short term, it seems important to create a post in the budget specifically designated for this end.
VIII. South Africa
B7-320 Cooperation avec l'Afrique du Sud
Dupuis, Dell'Alba, Pradier
+5.000 Ecus (e); +5.000 Ecus (p)
Commentaire: retablissement de l'APB
In view of the importance of the cooperation that exists between the EU and South Africa, it would be useful not to send a negative signal to the government and people of South Africa
IX. Burma
a) B7-6000 Participation communautaire a des actions en faveur de pays en developpement executees par des organisations non gouvernementales
Dupuis, Dell'Alba
12.500 Ecus (e); 11.750 Ecus (p)
A part of this credit, up to 100%, is designated for the financing of projects directly executed by NGOs working in Burma
Given the undemocratic situation that exists at this moment in Burma, it is useful to support directly the NGOs in that country.
Amendments of Mrs Lalumière
a) B7-7000 Programme pour la démocratie pour les pays de l'Europe Centrale et Orientale
+ 1,000 (e); + 1,000 (p)
Justification: Since this budgetary post constitutes the major instrument of the EU to support democracy in the PECO, it is useful to maintain the credits at the level of the APB
b) B7-705 Programme MEDA pour la démocratie
+ 1,000 (e); - 1,000 (p)
Since this budgetary post supports the democratic process and the progressive forces existing within civil society of the beneficiary countries, it is necessary to maintain the credit at the level of the APB
c) B7-708 N Actions de soutien pour la liberté d'opinion et de la presse
This credit is designated for the support of freedom of opinion and the press in countries that are in transition to democracy
Freedom of opinion and press is of primary importance for the construction of civil society in the countries that are in a transition to democracy, which the EU must support.