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Archivio segreteria PR
- 21 settembre 1996

Unfortunately, I am forced to report about some difficulties which appear to hinder the work of Moscow office in the next monthes.

As it is known, everybody among 4 stuff members in Moscow office does not receive fully his salary since April this year. Instead, the sum of minimum 275 and maximum 350 US$ for each is being sent every month from Treasury. At first time in April we were informed by Treasurer that "le collaborazioni del mese di Marzo vengono pagate nel seguente modo: il 50% con il bonifico odierno, per il restante 50% provvederemo ad effettuare un bonifico successivamente".

Anybody who has ever visited Moscow during last two years, perfectly knows that $300 in today's Moscow (where almost all the prices are higher than in Rome or Brussels) is the sum which puts a person on the eve of physical survival, of course without speaking about correspondence to the level of salaries for similar work in the other sectors of economy in Moscow.

During six months since April we tried to survive, perfectly understanding the difficult financial situation of the party. It was difficult to work all the day without possibility to have daily lunch (whose minimal price equals exactly to 1/30 of the reduced "salary"), but we tried to mobilize all our patience.

Unfortunately, now we find ourselves on that dangerous line when it is no longer possible to exist - our personal financial duties to the criditors, our ability to work being always phisically hungry turns "quantity" into "quality".

For what concerns my personal situation. Anybody who knows me personally could know that Radical Party is for me much more than simply a job - it is all my life. For years, I cannot live without work in the party. But at the same time I phisically cannot continue the same way of existance which I practice last months. The more sorrowful is the inevitable step which I am forced to undertake.

Thus, to cover my financial duties, to get some money necessary for life, since the 1st of October I would work for temporal contract (at least one or two months as for now) in a jurudical enterprise - if nothing will be changed until October 1. Of course, I was, I am and I will remain the militant of the party, and I will do my best in order to use by better way the rest of time after that job to develop party's activity in Moscow. However, it will be difficult to guarantee my constant presence in the office and full time working during this months.

This is my situation. But for what concerns the other people in Moscow office, after the reunion on Thursday I know that more or less the same situation have also Anna, Sergej and Olga. They also will spend time after October 1 in order to get some money for life and continue the party's activity.

It's obvious that the only way to avoid such a development could be restoring of status quo and beginning payment the salaries in their full dimension. Of course, for what concerns me, I prefer exactly such a solution instead to get money on another job. Therefore, we still wait any answer from the Treasurer, because the clarity is the first thing needed in such a situation (also taking in consideration that we didn't get any explanations from Treasurer since April and now it seems the time to clarify the situation).

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