Subject: Zychik Chronicle 09/19/96
To Get Liberty You Have To Give It - [Your
Grandparents Were Slimeballs]:
(New York Times Sep. 17th, pg. A1) The Times reports that "heroin use has risen sharply." Oops, watch out. Right next to the commie under your bed is a smack freak. If he's not under your bed, then he's in the closet. Oops, wrong track. The closet is where we lock up homosexuals. Ok, so where are those heroin users hiding out? How about in the garbage? Nope that's where BillieBob Dolton get their ethics from. Better yet, with the epidemic of heroin running rampant across the country where are we gonna put all those heroin addicts. Yeah, let's see what these low-life heroin addicts have done to the US:
* They wrecked family values. That's why Bob-love-is-forever-Dole and Newt-hate-perks-me-up-Gingrich divorced their wives. Yup, if it wasn't for them slimeball heroin addicts Dolt and GettinRich wouldn't have become fallen men.
* They wrecked ethics. By gosh, by gollee if it wasn't for them thar heroin addicts Hillary wouldn't have been forced to make $100,000 in the commodities market just by reading the Wall St. Journal.
* They wrecked national security. Craig Livingstone, as told to me by Elvis, is a heroin addict. So to get the money for his habit he was selling FBI files on the black market.
* They caused crime. Janet-I'll-have-17-kids-fried-hold-the-mayo-Reno was coming down from a bad batch when she gave the order to send the tanks into WACO.
* They caused the deficit. Actually I lied. Because whatever Congress has been smoking for the last 60 years is far more powerful than heroin.
So to save America from any further decline, I suggest we rid ourselves of these vermin before they turn into Republicans and really become jerks. Hmm, in the name of ridding ourselves of the vermin, we've given up our right to be free of unreasonable search and seizure; we've denied millions of people medication that could relieve their suffering, and did I leave out the most important fact: that we let the streets become soaked with blood? Oh well, what's a little bloodshed when it comes to protecting America from an invasion of heroin vermin?
We're at war! Heroin use has increased 70% from 1994-1995! Whoa Hortense, hide before it gets you, and Clementh. Yup, the data indicates that there were "196,000 users in 1995" and there were "117,000 in the previous year." In a country of about 250 million people, one tenth of one percent of the population is using heroin. We're in trouble!
Worried about cocaine? You should be. In fact, you better start wearing your Cocaine Free Zone uniform because we are surrounded by cocaine users. Yup, all "1.45 million users." Oops, less than 3/5th of one percent of the population uses cocaine. We're surrounded!
The real criminals are the marijuana users. They register in at "9.8 million." Four percent of the population is smoking pot! Hurry check under the bed. One of them slimy pot smokers might have snuck into your house while you were reading this. One out of every 25 persons you see in public is an enemy of the state. And you never know which one it is until it's too late. Quick pop open a six pack before they steal it. Relieve your tension. Light up a cigarette. Gobble a few Valium. Gorge on cheeseburgers. What the hell. It's a free country, ain't it? You can do whatever you want to as long as you aren't hurting anyone else, right? Sure thing. You booze addict. You cigarette junkie. You Valium freak. You cholesterol abuser. No problem. You're safe!
Guess what. You've been lied to. Heroin addicts are no more dangerous than Valium users. Heroin is nothing more than a super sedative. Question: what's the difference between a heroin addict and a bowling pin? Answer: A heroin addicts falls over on his own.
So where does the crime come from? It comes from prohibition. Not from heroin. Ever go through a nicotine fit? Ever wake up dying for a drink? Ever want a dessert so bad you could kill for it? Try this: Outlaw chocolate in the City of Beverly Hills. You know what would happen? Drive by shootings, that's what. The gangs would be fighting over turf to sell chocolate to the mucky mucks in Beverly Hills who would pay anything for a chocolate bar.
You've been lied to. Just as the Germans were lied to about Jews. Just as the American public was lied to about Blacks, Chinese, Italians, Irish, Hispanics, American Indians and the list goes on and on. But you're too smart, right? Nobody could fool you with a stereotype could they? Ha! Wake up! "12.8 million Americans used illegal drugs at least once a month last year." OK, let's try logic. If drug addicts are such low life scum, then why don't we have 12.8 million people committing murder, rape, robbery, car jackings, drive bys, arson, and child molestation at least once a month? Answer: hating ethnic minorities is no longer acceptable. So now we hate drug users with the same bigotry, stupidity and ignorance we hated ethnic minorities with. Don't think it's stupidity, bigotry and hatred? Try this:
The Germans allowed themselves to be lied to about the Jews. Americans relished every lie about Blacks, American Indians, Irish, Chinese, Italian, etc. Why? Why the hell were people so eager to devour lies about your grandparents? Answer: because they needed someone to hate. Your grandparents were convenient targets. Now the convenient targets are drug users.
So rather than grant Jews and Blacks Liberty, nations destroyed themselves. Rather than acknowledge the Liberties of the American Indian, the US set out to exterminate them. Rather than acknowledge the Liberties of your grandparents, US citizens destroyed the Constitution and their own rights.
Now it's up to you. Want to hold on to your gun? Then grant a heroin addict the same right to get high that you have to get falling down drunk. Want to be safe from unreasonable search and seizure? Then grant a crack head the right to carry crack just as you have a right to carry a pack of cigarettes. Do you want the government to recognize your right to the "pursuit of happiness"? Then grant the pot head the right to pursue happiness their way.
Of course, you can continue indulging stupidity and hate. You can continue to act like controlling your neighbor's life is more important than protecting your own freedoms. Oops, is that someone I hear knocking at your door? Nope. It's the DEA breaking down your door. Sorry buddy. A snitch turned you in as a big-time drug dealer. What? You don't deal drugs? Tell it to the judge. Tell it to a jury of your peers. You know, the same small minded, stupid bigots who brought us Slavery, Hitler's Germany; and the common knowledge that "the only good Injun is a dead Injun." Lets not forget the wonderful other gem of wonderful wisdom American, hatred, stupidity and bigotry has brought us: your grandparents were a bunch of thieving slime-ball low lifes - just like the 12.8 million Americans who use illegal drugs at least once a month.
Nazis, Repressor and Anti-Gunners: [Cowardly Hypocrites Get An Upgrade]
(ZC) The Paul Revere Network (PRN) is a collection of 200 pro-gun bulletin boards spread throughout the US. I have been posting to Paul Revere almost ever since I started the ZC. Users of PRN have been very, very supportive of the Zychik Chronicle. In fact, just last week one PRN'er asked for permission to make hard-copies of the Zychik Chronicle and distribute it in gun stores in his home town. I gladly gave him permission to do so. Some PRN'ers are members of the NRA; others aren't. However the man who runs PRN, Leroy Pyle is a member of the NRA Board. So, in the best tradition of the odious stench that the NRA exudes, Mr. Pyle has banned me from posting to the Paul Revere Network. He did agree to tell the PRN'ers what he's doing. He also said he'd list my e-mail address. In reality it's a meaningless gesture. Many, if not most, bulletin boards do not have access to the net. New PRN'ers will be deprived of the Zychik Chronicle. The Zychik Chronicle will not be posted publicly. Most PRN'ers prefer to read t
he Zychik Chronicle in the public area. Mr. Pyle's gesture is the equivalent of Bill Clinton saying, "You can have a gun as long as I set the terms."
The Zychik Chronicle is one of the best sources of pro-gun information on the net. I know for a fact that I have been instrumental in changing at least some people's minds about the Second Amendment. Now you know for a fact that the NRA is not pro-gun. The NRA is pro-NRA. Because rather than let scathing criticism of the NRA be posted on the Paul Revere Network, Mr. Pyle decided to deprive thousands of readers of valuable pro-gun, pro-liberty information.
This calls for an upgrade. I now promote the Nothing but Republican Asswipes to Nazis, Repressors and Anti-gunners.
[snip trivia.] You excoriate the NRA for failing to educate the American public about the true meaning of the Second Amendment.
How, prithee, would you have them spread that truth? TV networks refuse to sell them any air time. Newspapers routinely refuse to sell them advertising space. Magazines like Time have admitted openly that they will not discuss both sides of the gun issue; according to Time, "the time for debate has passed." All of this is widely known among those of us actually work to promote respect for the real meaning of the Second Amendment.
So put up or shut up, Joe: How does the NRA get the word out? Don't tell me by means of the Web or its precursors, because that will further compound your sins of laziness: The NRA's Web site is among the best out there, is among the top 1% of the Web sites for hits, and it loaded with scholarly information about the true meaning of the 2nd Amendment.
And don't tell me that the NRA should better educate its members. That would prove that you have never read any of its official magazines, for seldom does an issue pass that does not have some material in it on that vital subject.
And don't tell me that the NRA should focus all its time and resources on Constitutional education to the complete exclusion of all else; while that m i g h t educate a few additional persons, it would doom the organization as members who already know (probably better than you) what the Second Amendment is about leave to form another group to conduct training and sponsor competitions--which, after all, is what NRA's core mission is.
You betray the ignorance of the mass media whores by conflating NRA with NRA-ILA and pretending that their budgets and missions are the same. They are not. The NRA serves its members in many ways, one of them by educating them about the Second Amendment. Another is by helping to fund the NRA-ILA, which, thanks to tax laws and other efforts to weaken the effectiveness of the organization, must be a separate entity for budget purposes.
Lastly, you slander people I know personally. I am glad to be able to say that I know personally three members of the NRA BoD: Joe Olson, David Gross, and Weldon Clark. And I am proud to say that I know them well enough to know they are NOT paid for their many hours of labor in defense of our rights. I have many times seen them contribute not just their time but their personal money to the cause at every level. And I know each well enough to know three things: First, they all have to work for a living--ain't no independently wealthy Rockefeller types among them.
Second, and more importantly, they would be glad beyond words if the NRA-ILA could close its doors forever because the battle was irrevocably won. Third, each has sacrificed at the personal level in defense of the true meaning of the Second Amendment.
I have a fairly good idea how much these people actually like the prospect of Dole as president and a pretty good idea how much they respect Newt's weaseling. But they have looked at the last four years with revulsion and believe--and I, a former ardent Browne supporter and member of the Libertarian party, have come to agree--that there will be no freedom left in AmeriKa if Clinton is reelected. It is one thing to disagree with that sad assessment, even vigorously. It is quite another to let that disagreement lead you to slander, libel, and outright lies.
Nearly every person I know in the NRA got there because they enjoy shooting. None of them got there because they enjoy politics. NRA is a shooter's organization and it uses the best resources it can find to promote shooters' interests.
You talk big about supporting gun rights. But talk's cheap, particularly when it is kvetching and libels about people and issues you clearly do not know much about. What, beyond your daily ego trip publication, have you done for gun rights? What legislative committees have you appeared before? What petitions and candidate education efforts have you spearheaded? How much money have you raised to make a positive contribution for lobbying or campaign expenses for pro-gun bills or candidates? How much money have you contributed personally? When other shooters are spending their time at the range or at gun shows, are you instead working at the gunshow doors trying to get support for vital gun-related issues and candidates? How much time off work-without pay--have you taken to do these things? How much of your paid personal leave or vacation have you devoted to these activities?
Because that is how these men live and show their support for our rights.
In short, what are your credentials?
I k n o w the credentials of the men I refer to and I damned well resent the careless, cavalier, and cynical way you have impugned their integrity and efforts.
You owe them an apology and your readership a retraction.
Bill Gray
Dear Joe,
I was referred to your site by a friend and am happy to see it. I agree with you that the NRA acts like a branch of the Republican Party. I'm not supporting them in any way by the following statement. I'm only clarifying something.
I am a member of the NRA. Actually, my husband paid for a membership for me. I receive their American Hunter magazine and there has definitely been statements concerning Bob Dole's infidelity to gun owners within the magazine. In the Knox's Notebook by Neal Knox on pg. 18 of the September 96 American Hunter there is a section called "Doleful Dodge".
Here's the first paragraph from it:
"Presidential Candidate Bob Dole infuriated gun owners - and many Republican Congressmen - by switching from support to opposition on the House-passed bill to repeal the ban on military-look guns and over-10-shot rifle and pistol magazines."
I've written a letter to the editor and an e-mail to them requesting they back Harry Browne's campaign, but I don't expect either one to get a response.
Mr. Browne has spoken with Tanya Mataksa of the NRA ILA thing (I receive campaign updates from the Harry Browne campaign). Obviously, they haven't made a true stand for gun owners. I no longer intend to be a member of the NRA as a result of such obvious kissing up to the Republicans. This is the perfect opportunity to say they have somewhere else to go, but they haven't taken it.
Good luck to you,
Heather Gully
Dear Joe Zychik,
I had been an NRA member since the mid-seventies when my annual membership came up for renewal several years ago, and with a deep sense of disappointment, chose not to renew. Over the years the acronym NRA has come to stand for "No Resolute Attitude." Your unforgiving characterization of the NRA as little different from other unprincipled, pragmatic deal-making mainstream political parties and pressure groups is, sad to say, entirely justified. I wish it weren't. But the NRA's willingness to compromise fundamental principles in order to achieve temporary and ultimately illusory reprieves from creeping gun prohibition eventually left me thoroughly disillusioned. Virtually no one outside a handful of non-mainstream Objectivist, libertarian, and pro free-market organizations and think tanks is championing the Second Amendment on the hallowed principle of individual rights. In contrast to sundry utopian reformers before and since, the Founding Fathers were remarkably clear-eyed. They understood far better than A
merica's current crop of "leaders" that government is ultimately Naked Force, and reserved Final Veto Authority for the people in the form of privately-owned arms, to be taken up as a last resort against a government which began as the peoples' servant but ended as the peoples' master.
Thank you for your tireless and passionate advocacy of a cause that has far too few authentic champions.
Bevin Chu
---------------Thought For The Day:
[Correction: Please see below for an explanation of the Washington quote that I printed yesterday. "This quotation, sometimes called the 'liberty teeth' quote, appears nowhere in Washington's papers or speeches, and contains several historical anachronisms: the reference to "prairie wagon" in an America which had yet to even begin settling the Great Plains (which were owned by France at the time), the reference to "the Pilgrims" which implies a modern historical perspective, and particularly the attempt by "Washington" to defend the utility of firearms (by_use_of_statistics!) to an audience which would have used firearms in their daily lives to obtain food, defend against hostile Indians, and which had only recently won a war for independence. It's clear that "Washington" is addressing "gun control" arguments which wouldn't exist for another couple of centuries, not to mention doing so in a style that is uncharacteristic of the period, and uncharacteristic of Washington's addresses to Congress, both of which
exhibited a high degree of formality. This is a false quote, but bits and pieces of it still continue to crop up from time to time."
I got the quote from a site a constitutional site that I was very enthusiastic about which was recommended to me by a ZC subscriber. The site is:
I think still think the site is excellent despite their error.]
Now for today's thoughts:
"The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able may have a gun." Patrick Henry "To disarm the people is the best and most effective way to enslave them." George Mason
---------------Have A Great Day!---------------
Joe Zychik
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"All rights are individual."
E-mail from: Baudouin Petit, 20-Sep-1996