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Archivio segreteria PR
- 23 settembre 1996
Fast for Wei and the Panchen Lama

Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 09:41:20 -0700 (PDT)

To: pr.bruxelles@agora.stm.it

From: Cherilyn Parsons

Subject: Re: Fasting - Application Form


(X) I participate in the fasting dialogue for the liberation of Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, XIth Panchen Lama, and of the Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng.

* I have the intention to fast ( ) 1 Day

( ) 2 Days

(X) 3 Days

* We would like to know the dates of your fasting:

( ) September 30th

( ) October 1st

( ) October 2nd

Name: Cherilyn Parsons

Complete address: 2816 Highland Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90405 (please do not publish anywhere, including Internet; thank you)

Country: USA

Telephone: (310) 399-5365

e-mail: cherilyn@hsc.usc.edu

Profession/function: Writer; faculty; development director

Organization: University of Southern California

Declaration: It is an American tradition, however much it might seem forgotten today, to take a stand for religious freedom, justice, and other human rights. With today's communications, we have more opportunity to do so than ever before. The world is aware of human rights abuses in China.

Nations are made up of individuals; and individuals are taking stands against human rights abuses in China. It IS possible to create a peaceful, tolerant world guided by principles of compassion, wisdom, and non-violence as promoted in the philosophy of Tibet and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I support His Holiness's stance. Each person fasting in this campaign also represents hundreds of others who share these views but do not choose to fast.

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