Countries: Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia.
Calculated for 6 pages A4 (about 35 g each envelop).
RUSSIA (450)
Photo copying........................ 500
Envelops............................. 40
Assemblage........................... 30
Subtotal 570
BELARUS (about 170)
Photo copying........................ 200
Envelops............................. 20
Assemblage........................... 10
Sending.............................. 130
Subtotal 360
MOLDOVA (about 100)
Photo copying........................ 110
Envelops............................. 10
Assemblage........................... 10
Sending.............................. 90
Subtotal 220
AZERBAIJAN (about 120)
Photo copying........................ 140
Envelops............................. 10
Assemblage........................... 10
Sending.............................. 100
Subtotal 260
GEORGIA (about 250)
Photo copying........................ 280
Envelops............................. 20
Assemblage........................... 20
Sending.............................. 210
Subtotal 530
The total of the mailing will be $ 1,940 in case that photo copies will be done in a print shop outdoors: our old copier bought yet in 1990 is broken and even being repared could not make such an amount of copies soon and with good quality.
If we buy a new copier instead of the old one (which costs $2,200), the total budget for the mailing will be:
$ 3,160 (including $150 for paper and toner).
In this case we will not have the same problem in case of a next mailing.
The possibility of reparing our copier (it would cost $500) needs additional verification, since some details for this copier are already not on sale (I repeat, this copier has been bought in 1990).