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Archivio segreteria PR
- 7 ottobre 1996
To: m.sikora@agora.stm.it
Subject: Miscellaneous

Date: Fri, 04 Oct 96 18:56:00 +0000


Dear Ms. Sikora,

thank you for your message of Sept. 23!

Let me write in English, so that we have equal chances. Or do you prefer to

exercise German?

I am getting a lot of stuff now, mainly the newsletters FREEDOM FOR TIBET /DEMOCRACY FOR CINA. Let me mention six points today:

1. Can I get some printed material on the principles of the TRP? I visited your homepage but going through is tedious because the net is not fast enough. - Do movements have printed material at all ? :-)

2. As far as I see TRP has initiated two rather effective actions to support Tibet. "A Flag for Tibet" and the demo in Brussels. My congratulations! I was in Brussels - it was the greatest experience after years of human rights work! Let us repeat this in Geneva! Nevertheless I would have some suggestions to make more out of the fact that thousands of men and women (the consience of Europe!) sacrifice so much time and money. Unfortunately there seems to be not the best co-operation between TRP and our TID chairman Klemens Ludwig. I had an argument with him earlier this year because he said: demonstrations are not very friutful, 4000 people is nothing. - Who is organising the manifestation in Geneva? I would like to organise the participation of as many Germans as possible.

3. There was another TID meeting some weeks ago where I had another argument with Klemens Ludwig. He said that TRP is initiating a lot of actions but too late. He also said that TRP is organising a hunger strike of three days and that this is ridiculous. All members - except me - found that a hunger strike of three days is ridiculous. This is probably the reason why so few persons of Germany took part.

Now I read in your newsletters that you are talking of "three days of fasting" and of a "fasting dialogue". Did you ever use the words "hunger strike"? Do you know why our boss is so unfriendly towards TRP?

4. I am surprised that TRP has to do with drugs! I am supporting people(s) who are suppressed by other people(s). I am not supporting people who use drugs and die voluntarily. Everybody knows that drugs are dangerous. There should be a slogan: "Do you want to die by drugs? Please! Make room for others!" This would probably be the best means against this evil of our western crazyness. But anyway this is not my business.

5. Your general secretary said: " ... we, as a movement, have to decide to close our doors tomorrow or in six months." How serious are such words? I would like to join your movement but only if you have a sound administration and a longer life than six months.

6. To which fax should I send my signature for Wei Jingsheng?

I hope that I did not take too much of your time.



,--¡_ Hans Haussmann haussman@hh.as.uni-hohenheim.de

,;;,_ ____/ /|/ Institute for Animal Husbandry and Animal Breeding

;; ( )___, ) ' (Institut fuer Tierhaltung und Tierzuechtung)

,' // V__ University of Hohenheim, Germany

_ / / Fax + 49 711 459 4239

¡ ¡ ' Fon + 49 711 459 2476 (3006)

___________________ Mail 470/HG, Uni Hohenheim, D-70593 Stuttgart

My private address: Fax + 49 7022 95 95 87

Fon + 49 7022 95 95 86

Mail Hauffstrasse 11, D-72649 Wolfschlugen

For those who don't know me: I am professor for animal genetics (born 38) but now more interested in animal behaviour/husbandry/welfare.

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