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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio segreteria PR
- 9 ottobre 1996
UK/Tibet Support Group

To: Patrick NUSH

Tibet Society of the UK

Fax. 44-171-383.75.63

From: Olivier DUPUIS

Radical Party

Fax. 32-2-230.36.70

Brussels, October 9, 1996

Dear Patrick,

thank you for your fax.

You are right, the Nobel Peace Prize will be announced this week. But it is for 1996. The signatures we are collecting now are for 1997. Although together with other organizations we proposed his candidature also for 1996, I don't think Wei Jingsheng has a big chance for this year. Nevertheless we never know, perhaps the chance will be with us. For that reason, at this stage it is perhaps better to wait till next Friday (October 10) before making a mailing to all the British MPs.

In any case if you are doing it, perhaps it would be a good idea to also ask the British MPs to sign the appeal to the General Secretary (*) asking him to receive H.H. At the moment we have about MPs1.000 signatures and around 150 should arrive in the next days from the Indian Parliament.

Other thing. Last Weekend we had a meeting with Mrs Chundak Koren, representative of H.H. in Geneva, in order to understand how to organize in the best possible way, the next 10 March Demonstration in Geneva. We agreed that the most important thing to do at this stage would be to organize a preparatory meeting with the Representatives of H.H. in London, Paris, Budapest and Geneva and the leaders of the Tibet Support Groups and the Radical Party. Around 30-40 people. The date could be 16-17 november. The place: European Parliament in Brussels. I hope you will be able to attend this meeting.

Best wishes,

Olivier Dupuis

(*) if you haven't the text of the appeal, please let me know and I will send it to you.

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