Date: Thu, 10 Oct 96 19:21:00 EST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: < permanent international criminal court: appeal >
Dear Friend:
Thank you for contacting my office through the Internet. Please accept this response as acknowledgment that your message has been received by my office and that your comments have been noted.
Florida constituents who have included a home or business mailing address with their message will receive a letter via U.S. Mail.
This response will address the concerns raised in your e-mail, and will be sent as soon as possible. Please be sure to include comments along with your postal address, because we cannot respond to postal addresses alone.
Again, thank you for sending an on-line communication to my office.
Please be assured that I will have your views in mind should the full Senate consider legislation regarding the issues you raised.
With kind regards,
Bob Graham
United States Senator