Dear Sir or Madam,
as executive director of the Committee of 100 for Tibet I have sent a letter out to our Committee members, among them former Nobel laureates and parliamentarians (see list below) asking them to support the campaign for Wei Jingsheng's candacy for the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize. I hope many of them will respond and send their signed letter to the address given in a previous appeal of yours.
Tashi Delek,
Michael Bachmann
Members of the Committee of 100 for Tibet
- John L. Ackerly, Director, International Campaign for Tibet
- Frank Aiken, Ireland, Engineer
- Philip W. Anderson, Nobel Laureate for Physics
- Christian B. Anfinsen, Nobel Laureate for Chemistry
- Oscar Arias-Sanchez, Costa Rica, Nobel Laureate for Peace
- Kenneth J. Arrow, Nobel Laureate for Economics
- Tauno Auer, Finland, Organizer, Campaign for Tibet
- Mubarak Awad, Director, Nonviolence International
- Joan Baez, Singer
- Peter Barry, Ireland, Former Minister, Foreign Affairs
- Edward J. Bednar, Executive Director, Tibetan U.S. Resettlement Project
- Brent Blackwelder, Vice President, Friends of the Earth
- Richard C. Blum, Chairman, American Himalayan Foundation
- Michele Bohana, Founding Director, International Campaign for Tibet
- David R. Brower, Environmentalist
- Rinchen Khando Choegyal, President, Tibetan Women's Association
- Yvon Chouinard, Owner, Patagonia Inc.
- Ramsey Clark, Former U.S. Attorney General
- John Cleese, England, Writer and Actor
- Cynthia G. Curley, Past Executive Director, Friends of Tibet
- Rinchen Dharlo, Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to North America
- Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Argentina, Nobel Laureate for Peace
- George Fernandes, India, Member of Parliament, President, Hind Mazdoor
- Kisan Panchayat
- Robert Ford, England, Author
- Jim Forest, The Netherlands, Editor, Peace Media Service
- Arun Gandhi, Director, M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence
- Richard Gere, Actor and Founding Chair, Tibet House
- Benjamin A. Gilman, U.S. Congressman
- Allen Ginsberg, Poet, American Institute of Arts and Letters
- Donald A. Glaser, Nobel Laureate for Physics
- Philip Glass, Composer, Performer
- Peter Gold, Author and Educator
- Charles D. Gray, Director, International Affairs Department, AFL-CIO
- Spalding Gray, Writer, Performer
- Lodi G. Gyari, President, International Campaign for Tibet
- Marvin Hamlisch, Composer
- Mark Handelman, Executive Vice President, New York Association for New Americans
- Heinrich Harrer, Lichtenstein, Author
- Sauyer Hayama, Japan, President, Olympia Kohgyo Co., Ltd.
- Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President Emeritus, University of Notre Dame
- C. Douglas Hostetter, Executive Secretary, Fellowship of Reconciliation
- Catherine Ingram, Author
- Francois Jacob, France, Nobel Laureate for Medicine
- Jorgen Johansen, Sweden, Chairperson, War Resisters International
- Rabbi Samuel E. Karff, Senior Rabbi, Beth Israel Congregation, Houston
- Scott Kennedy, Co-Founder, Resource Center for Nonviolence
- David Kilgour, Canada, Member of Parliament
- Coretta Scott King, Founding President/CEO, The M.L. King, Jr. Center
- Ambassador Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, American Enterprise Institute
- David M. Krieger, President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
- Mrs. Claude B. Levenson, Switzerland, Author
- Rita Levi-Montalcini, Italy, Nobel Laureate for Medicine
- David Lynch, TV Producer, Director
- Mairead Corrigan Maguire, N. Ireland, Nobel Laureate for Peace
- The Most Reverend Walter Paul Khotso Makhulu, Archbishop of Central Africa
- Peter Matthiessen, Author
- R. Bruce McColm, Executive Director, Freedom House
- Czeslaw Milosz, Nobel Laureate for Literature
- Thubten J. Norbu, Director and Founder, Tibetan Cultural Center, Inc.
- Timothy Nunn, England, General Secretary, Tibet Support Group
- Rodrigo Carazo Odio, Costa Rica, Presidente Emeritus, Universidad para la Paz
- Yuri Orlov, Founder, Moscow Helsinki Watch Group
- Karen Parker, Attorney, International Educational Development
- Ambassador William Peters, Chairman, Tibet Society 1985-93
- Tsewang Phuntso, President, Tibetan Youth Congress
- Sidney Piburn, Vice President, Snow Lion Publications
- Robert Pickus, President, World Without War Council
- Supaporn Pongpruk, Thailand, Executive Secretary, International Network of Engaged Buddhists
- Sanjeev Prakash, Coordinator, ECO-Tibet - India
- Jean-Paul Ribes, France, President, Comit¥ de Soutien au Peuple Tibetain
- Hugh Edward Richardson, United Kingdom, Author
- Charles G. Rose, Member of Congress
- Galen Rowell, Photographer, Writer
- Thubten Samdup, Canada, President, Canada Tibet Committee
- Alan Senauke, National Coordinator, Buddhist Peace Fellowship
- Sulak Sivaraksa, Thailand, International Network of Engaged Buddhists
- Steve Smale, Fields Medal Winner
- Wole Soyinka, Nigeria, Nobel Laureate for Literature
- Elliot Sperling, Assistant Professor of Tibetan Studies, Indiana University
- Neil Steedman, Ireland, Founder, Tibet Support Group
- Oliver Stone, President, Ixtlan Inc.
- Lowell Thomas, Jr., Author
- Robert A.F. Thurman, Professor of Buddhist Studies, Columbia University
- Douglas R. Tompkins, Founder, IRA-HITI, Foundation for Deep Ecology
- Mitsuaki Tsutsui, Japan, President, Social Environment, Inc.
- The Most Reverend Desmond M. Tutu, South Africa, Nobel Laureate for Peace
- Michael van Walt, Executive Director, Unrepresented Peoples' Organization
- Piero Verni, Italy, President, Associazone Italia-Tibet
- George Wald, Nobel Laureate for Physiology
- Sonam Wangdu, Chairman, U.S. Tibet Committee
- Douglas Weiner, Former President, U.S. Tibet Committee
- Jann S. Wenner, Editor/Publisher, Rolling Stone
- Elie Wiesel, Nobel Laureate for Peace
- Betty Williams, Nobel Laureate for Peace
- Harry Wu, Author, Executive Director, Laogai Research Foundation
- Jigme Yugay, President, Bay Area Friends of Tibet
- Kunzang Yuthok, Executive Director, Tibetan Rights Campaign
Michael Bachmann
President and Executive Director
Committee of 100 for Tibet
P.O. Box 60612
Palo Alto, CA 94306
If we are to be free, we must make each person we meet the ultimate object of reverence.
Burmese Buddhist proverb, 14th century