Mr. Danilo Quinto,
Treasurer of the Radical Party
Centre de Coordination de Bruxelles
97-113 Belliard
1047 Bruxelles
29 October, 1996
Dear Mr. Quinto,
The Taoiseach, Mr. John Bruton, T.D., has asked me to refer to your recent letter co-signed by Mr. Oliver Dupuis, concerning the establishment of an International Criminal Court.
The Taoiseach has asked me to say that Ireland has strongly advocated the establishment of a permanent International Criminal Court, as we believe that it is only through such a Court that the international community can effectively bring to justice those responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law. The support of the European Union for the establishment of an International Criminal Court was made clear in the memorandum accompanying the Irish Presidency address on behalf of the European Union to the 51st. General Assembly of the United Nations on 24 September last.
Ireland, and its partners in the European Union, have been actively participating in the discussions to date within the Preparatory Committee. In our role as Presidency of the European Union, Ireland will be active in promoting the support on the Union for such a Court as well as working for a constructive outcome to the debate within the UN General Assembly on its establishment.
Yours sincerely,
Private Secretary
to the Taoiseach