103051 1-st. Kolobovsky Lane 15/6 - 36 Moscow, Russia
tel/fax: (7-095) 299 8538
Antimilitarist Radical Association
Nikolaj Khramov
Dear Mr. Khramov:
The Russian Coalition in Support of the International Criminal Court invites you to take part in the 3rd conference on the "Russia and the International Criminal Court"
The International Criminal Court Established during the Rome Diplomatic Conference in 1998 is a very important instrument of the International Law. Non-Governmental organizations were the initiators of creation of this court. The Coalition for an International Criminal Court which united more than one thousand NGOs worldwide played a very important role in the process of creation of the Court and signing and ratification of it's Statute which will be a strong guarantee of the universal justice.
In this respect the Russian Coalition in Support of the ICC is holding its 3rd conference on " Russia and the International Criminal Court ". The Conference is designed to discuss the coalition's new goals in the wake of Russia's signing of the Rome Statute, to assess the chances for ratification of the ICC Statute by the Federal Assembly, and to examine the obligations undertaken by Russia after its ratification - as well as the impact of this event on Russia's domestic and foreign policy.
In order to speed up the ratification of the ICC Charter, the Coalition now faces the serious task of launching a broad campaign to exert pressure on the State Duma and the Federation Council, as well as on those departments with which, in accordance with the "Law On International Treaties," their signing and ratification is coordinated. We must unite the efforts of various public organizations in urging the signing of the ICC Charter and attracting the mass media's attention to this issue.
Duma deputies and members of the Federation Council; representatives of the Presidential administration and of the Foreign, Defense, and Justice Ministries; members of the Constitutional Court, the Prosecutor General's Office, and the Supreme court; and prominent Russian lawyers, human rights activists, and representatives of Russian and international NGOs - as well as foreign journalists - have been invited.
The conference is scheduled for Nov. 9, 2000.
Daily conference sessions 10.00 - 18.00
Confirmation of your participation in the work of the conference should be forwarded by fax or e-mail, or by phone.
The conference will be taking place at the Center for Liberal-Conservative Policy, House 44, Stroenie 2, Bolshaya Nikitskaya St.
Subway stations: Arbatskaya, Barrikadnaya, Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya, Chekovskaya.
Our phone number, fax, and E-mail:
Phone and fax: 299-8538 ("Glasnost" Public Foundation, Vladimir Oyvin)
Sergei I. Grigoriants
Co-chairman of the Russian Coalition in Support of the International Criminal Court: