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- 25 gennaio 2001
ICC ratification process: letter to the President of the Parliament of Georgia

To the kind attention of Mr. Zurab Zhvania

President of the Parliament of Georgia

8 Ruskaveli Avenue



Bruxelles, 26 January 2001

Dearest President,

As you may know, since the beginning of the 1990s, the Transnational Radical Party has been active at an international level on the creation of the two UN ad hoc Tribunals and for the establishment of a permanent International Criminal Court (ICC). I write to you today to present two projects launched by my friends and colleagues of No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ), which could interest for your Country.

The first concerns the provision of pro-bono technical cooperation to national Parliaments and Governments for all the necessary steps to achieve the ratification of the ICC Statute by the end of the year. With this project, NPWJ is ready to second, for appropriate periods of time throughout 2001, legal experts to capitals to work together with the concerned institutional figures in the preparation of different bills and in the drafting of all necessary legislation on the permanent Court.

The second is the continuation of the provision of NPWJ Judicial Assistance Programme, which consists of pro-bono legal assistance to UN Missions at the UNHQ in New York. To date NPWJ has been assisting Bosnia Herzegovina, Burundi, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Thailand and Trinidad and Tobago.

Knowing the commitment of your country in the prompt establishment of the ICC, I hope that you will take advantage of these two projects of assistance both at Capital and in New York. Should you be interested by it, do not hesitate to let me know at your earliest convenience your requirements, so that I can put your services in touch with the Project Director of NPWJ for the necessary arrangements of the collaboration.

Confident in your positive reply, I once again wish you a fruitful 2001.

Best regards

Yours truly,

Olivier Dupuis, MEP

Secretary General of the

Transnational Radical Party

Enclosed a memorandum on the ratification of the Rome Statute

Tel. +32-2-284.71.98

Fax. +32-2-284.91.98

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