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- 1 febbraio 2001


Vienna, 20-29 March 2001

1. Election of officers.

2. Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters.

3. Thematic debate: building partnership to address the world drug problem.

(a) Approaches to building partnerships within and across sectors including health, education, law enforcement and justice

(b) Prevention, education and early intervention strategies, including trends in drug abuse among children and young people

A. Substantive items

Normative segment

Mandates received from the General Assembly

4. Follow-up to the twentieth special session of the General Assembly: examination of the single biennial report of the Executive Director on the progress achieved by Governments in meeting the goal and targets for the years 2003 and 2008 set out in the Political Declaration adopted by the Assembly at its twentieth special session.

Treaty-based and normative functions

5. Drug demand reduction:

(a) Action Plan for the Implementation of the Declaration on the Guiding Principles of Drug Demand Reduction;

(b) World situation with regard to drug abuse, in particular among children and youth.

6. Illicit drug traffic and supply:

(a) World situation with regard to drug trafficking and reports of subsidiary bodies of the Commission;

(b) Follow-up to the twentieth special session of the General Assembly:

(i) Measures to promote judicial cooperation (extradition, mutual legal assistance, controlled delivery, trafficking by sea and law enforcement cooperation, including training);

(ii) Countering money-laundering;

(iii) Action Plan on International Cooperation on the Eradication of Illicit Drug Crops and on Alternative Development.

7. Implementation of the international drug control treaties:

(a) Changes in the scope of control of substances;

(b) International Narcotics Control Board;

(c) International cooperation in order to ensure the availability of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for medical and scientific purposes;

(d) Follow-up to the twentieth special session of the General Assembly:

(i) Measures to prevent the illicit manufacture, import, export, trafficking, distribution and diversion of precursors used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;

(ii) Action Plan against Illicit Manufacture, Trafficking and Abuse of

Amphetamine-type Stimulants and Theit Precusors;

(iii) Other matters arising from the international drug control treaties.

Operational segment

8. Policy directives to the United Nations International Drug Control Programme

9. Strengthening the United Nations machinery for drug control.

10. Administrative and budgetary questions.

B. Organizational and other matters

11. Duration of the sessions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.

12. Provisional agenda for the forty-fifth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.

13. Other business.

14. Adoption of the report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on its forty-fourth session.

15. Opening of the forty-fifth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.

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