Moscow, April 8, 2001
Today the Radical Party and the Antimilitarist Radical
Association (ARA) took part in the rally "Army with human face"
organized by the Union of the Right Forces at Pushkinskaya
Activists of the Radical Party and the ARA distributed among
the passers-by and the participants of the rally leaflets
against the Chechen war, calling to join the post action
"Chechen war is a shame to my country". At the information
tables the radicals distributed last issue of the "Radical
news" and a special issue of the bulletin dedicated to Dmitry
Neverovsky, member of the Radical Party and the ARA,
conscientious objector to protest against the Chechen war. Last
week Dmitry died in the night fire in his own house.
As a result of the information tables, the radicals distributed
about two hundred post-cards with the appeal to the president
Putin protesting against the Chechen war, with the demand of
immediate cease-fire, negotiations of the president Putin with
the president Maskhadov, urgent providing of conditions for
unrestricted work of the international humanitarian
organizations and journalists in Chechnya and Ingushetia,
immediate investigation of all war crimes and crimes against
humanity committed by Russian troops in Chechnya. 35
participants of the rally joined the post action "Chechen war
is a shame to my country".
119 persons signed the petition to the Russian parliament for
abolition of obligatory compulsory military service and
immediate transition to a voluntary and professional principle
of recruiting for the armed forces "Third millenium without
conscription slavery".
The participants of the rally donated 684 roubles for the
activities of the ARA and the Radical Party, one person
enrolled in the Antimilitarist Radical Association.
The members of secretariat of the ARA Alyona Asayeva and Andrey
Rodionov took part in the action.
For further information:
tel.: +7 (095) 208-1805