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- 23 maggio 2001
Consultative status, letter to NGO section

New York, 23 May 2001


Ms. Elizabeth Joyce Buchanan

NGO Section

VIA FACSIMILE: (212) 9639248/4114/4116

Re: Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations, 2001 Regular Session: 7 to 25 May 2001

Dear Madam Buchanan,

This to acknowledge receipt of you fax dated 22 May 2001, which contains a list of questions raised by the Committee on Non-Governmental Organization in reviewing the quadrennial report of the Transnational Radical Party (TRP).

TRP archives are not located in our New York offices, therefore it will take more than a couple of days to retrieve copies of the documents requested.

My understanding is that question number 1 "Please provide copies of the documents that your organization circulated during the fifty-second, fifty-third and fifty-fourth sessions of the Commission on Human Rights" refers to the statements presented by the TRP at the 52nd, 53rd and 54th sessions of the UNCHR.

Moreover, questions 2-6 concern the "Radical Anti-Prohibitionist Coordination (CORA), which was founded in 1988 and ceased its activities in 1998. Despite having been federated with the TRP for a number of years, the CORA had an independent life, therefore its activities were not included in the TRP quadrennial report, nor did they involve the TRP consultative status at any time.

I would be thankful if you could assist me in seeking further clarification regarding those questions.

Thanking you in advance for your kind assistance in this matter, I apologize for any inconvenience this delay might cause to the work of the Committee and shall look forward to your reply.

With my best regards.

Marco PerDuca

UN Representative

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