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Sciascia Leonardo - 10 aprile 1963
THE RADICAL VOTE (17): Leonardo Sciascia

SUMMARY: On April 28,1963, general elections wer being held in Italy; the Radical Party did not partecipate due to internal crisis. However, it put together and distributed a pamphlet, edited by Elio Vittorini, Marco Pannella and Luca Boneschi, which included opinions of many intellectuals about the left-wing crisis and possible solutions to solve it - moving along a "real revolutionary" process able to renew the leftist concepts in the "triangle Milan-Paris-Dusseldorf".

"My vote is oriented toward the idea of a renewal more than toward the current tools used to achieve it," says University researcher Mario Monteverdi.

Leonardo Sciascia, author, says that the center-left coalition threatens to be the change-all in order not to change anything at all - exactly like Prince of Lampedusa suggested as a regular feature of Sicilian history

(THE RADICAL VOTE, April 10, 1963)


1) I do not believe in the existence of a "European political situation" to which the Italian one could be related. Doubtless, in Italy the political scene is better than the one in France or in Germany, but it's greatly worse than in the UK or Holland.

2) As a consequence, I believe that the left wing could be able to build a new society in Italy, keeping away from a certain kind of Europe and moving closer to the other one. A European community, which should include the Adenauer's Germany and De Gaulle's France, seems to me to be a non-sense.

3) If the center-left coalition should act on the National level as it acted in Sicily, I think no renewal will be possible. Even more, I'd prefer to go back to the center-right alliance. And I already wrote that the center-left coalition threatens to became the change-all in order not to change anything at all - exactly like the Prince of Lampedusa suggested as a regular feature of the entire Sicilian history.

4) Watching the reactions of this electoral campaign on the popular consciousness, for the indifference, the skepticism, the apathy it reveals, I cannot see elements of intelligence or hope about your question. There are, also, several other reasons.

5) Within the current scenario, weighing electoral positions and propositions, most probably yes.

6) It is difficult to answer such a question with brevity and clarity. I think, however, that the programming could help the capitalism in making the people pay for general or particular (probable) crisis; and the passage to regionalism, for subjective belief, is neither unlikely nor far away.

7) I would continue to vote PSI if the left-wing of this party were actually and effectively represented in Sicily (I am talking about the district where I am registered to vote): if we had among the candidates here, just to name one, my friend Libertini. I believe that here right and left, in the Cristian Democrats or the Socialist Party, are just a list of names: as a proof of this, we have the regional center-left alliance. Therefore, I will vote PCI: with many problems (from Krusciev's speeches about art to the "cult of Milazzo" to which the Communists are dedicated).

8) Within this scene, I do not believe the D.C. will meet too many hindrances. I simply hope that the opposition will dutifully pursue its role till the end.

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