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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
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Antonini Fausto - 13 gennaio 1968
(4) Social Oppression and Sexual Repression - Conference - Teatro Parioli - Rome - Viale Parioli
Saturday, January 20, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., 4 p.m. - 7 p.m./ Sunday, January 21, 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Opinions On The Conference


Fausto Antonini

ABSTRACT: Even while expressing his reservations about the possibility of a rapid evolution of Italian customs, Fausto Antonini recognises that the conference can constitute an important step in the slow march towards the liberation of individual feelings and in the broadest dissemination of knowledge concerning the relationships between the politico-social structures and the dynamics of the affective and sexual relations.

(Agenzia Radicale, No. 145, January 1, 1968)

In general I am rather cautious about expecting any noticeably rapid libertarian evolution in Italian customs. The forces that impede not only the expression and liberation of the deepest feelings, but even the open discussion of these themes are in fact institutionalised in strong power organisations. On the other hand, that in itself would not be enough to constitute an effective obstacle if the sensibility of a great part of public opinion were not, as it is, very restricted, not to say narcotized and even downright recalcitrant on all that concerns problems of the deepest feeling and affections.

In general I am inclined to say that problems referring to sexual problems and that regard the authorities are the ones that cause the most colossal short circuits in the human mind even taken singly: just imagine then what happens when they connect up with each other! On the other hand each of us brings to a greater or lesser degree his limited contribution to the evolution of society. To try to promote one's ideas, especially when these are the fruit of long study and love is a duty one cannot neglect without losing the sense of one's life.

This conference, in my opinion, can be an important step in the march - unfortunately long and tiring - towards adequate awareness of what we most deeply desire in our individual and social lives. The discussion can bring clarification and knowledge to a wider public on the following points:

I. The relationships between political-social structure and individual character;

II. The scientific conception of social life harmoniously integrated with the deepest emotional needs;

III. The elimination of prejudices and commonplaces with which attempts are made to reduce eros to pure and simple physiological needs;

IV. The historical-anthropological relativity of our usages;

V. The analysis of the psycho-sociological dynamics of power - analyses already begun about half a century ago in other Western countries and almost unknown in our country;

VI. The knowledge of the deepest dynamics of authoritarianism understood not so much as the superficial methods of wielding power but rather as the deepest psychological tendencies;

VII. The formation of a concrete, historical, existential, realistic and committed psychology;

VIII. The political priority as well of questions of customs, morals, and culture on which there is an almost unanimous conspiracy of silence on the part of the largest political groups;

IX. The contrast with the most vital culture of other countries and the promotion of analogous unprejudiced scientific analyses of social and psychological forces presently operating in our country;

X. The harmonious scientific and philosophically profound synthesis between the best in our spiritual tradition and the most valid aspects of what has been won by the investigations of human sciences.

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