aity and the Socialists. And the creation of a great Socialist and libertarian force is the necessary condition for a democratic and Socialist alternative>>. (48) It was not only in the official party documents that the consideration could be found that the Radicals felt there was the possibility of beginning a process of Socialist refoundation in which they could play a part. Marco Pannella, while still keeping substantially his leadership of the party, continued with his policy of increasing the initiatives and movements that might break up the tight party balances. He declared that he wanted to act as a Socialist [<< I believe that by now my position as a militant is in the PSI ranks... months ago I already expressed this evaluation of mine to my Radical comrades who understood and shared it >> (49)] and several months later he launched the "Movimento socialista per i diritti e le libertà civili - Lega XIII Maggio" (Socialist Movement for Civil Rights and Liberties - the May 13th League, ed.) whose name indicated its political intentions. Other Radicals (Massimo Teodori, Mercedes Bresso, Franco Sircana, Lorenzo Strik Lievers and Enzo Belli Nicoletti) along wit
h Socialists (Alberto Benzoni, Umberto Dragone, Gerardo Mombelli and Piero Bizzarri) unionists (Giorgio Benvenuto and Enzo Mattina) and independents (Giorgio Galli and Stefano Rodotà) founded in January 1975 the ARA - Azione e Ricerca per l'Alternativa - (Action and Research for an Alternative) with the goal of bridging the gap between individuals and groups, of complementing the work of the party, for the Socialist refoundation and for an alternative. (50)
1) IRI = Istituzione per la ricostruzione industriale, or Institution of Industrial Reconstruction, a state holding company.
2) Final motion of the XIth Congress of the PR, Turin, November 1972, in "Le lotte radicali attraverso i documenti congressuali e lo statuto", edited by the PR, Rome, 1976, IIIrd edition, p.29
3) Ibidem, p.30
4) Ibidem, p.31
5) Letter of Marco Pannella to "Il Messaggero", January 16, 1975 which was followed by a debate including letters published by the daily until the end of January. See also the letter of Massimo Teodori, "Il Messaggero", January 25, 1973.
6) Cf. "La droga nera", edited by Stampa Alternativa, in "La Prova Radicale", year II, no.7-8-9, May-July 1973, pp.106-111.
7) Letter of Marco Pannella, cit.
8) Cf. "Dossier Droga/2"" edited by Stampa Alternativa in "La Prova Radicale", year II no.5, March 1973, pp.109-118, and "Notizie Radicali", year II no.2, January 23, 1973.
9) Cf. "La droga nera", cit.
10) Cf. "Notizie Radicali" no.176, year VII no.2 , January 1973
11) Lettera di Marco Pannella, cit.
12) Angelo Pezzana, "Il Fuori e il partito", "Notizie Radicali", Year VII, no.199-200, June 20, 1973.
13) Cf. "Notizie Radicali", year VII no.199-120, June 20, 1973.
14) Giulio Ercolessi, "Chiudere la baracca?", "Liberazione", Year I no.32, October 25, 1973.
15) "Il PR ha deciso: otto referendum", "Liberazione", Year I no.34, November 9, 1973.
16) The paper "Liberazione" was published daily from September 8 to October 19, 1973 and afterwards as a fortnightly until February 1974. Marco Pannella has been managing editor since November 1973, Enzo Zeno is its co-managing editor.
17) "Otto referendum contro il regime, promossi dal Partito Radicale", edited by Massimo Teodori, "La nouva Sinistra", Savelli Editions, Rome, 1974.
18) Massimo Teodori, "Perchè i referendum", in "Otto referendum..." cit., p.20.
19) "Come non è stata colta una grande occasione unitaria", in "Notizie Radicali" no.307, October 10, 1974, p.5.
20) "Digiuno collettivo: comincia tutto il 15 Aprile. In tre mese oltre 100 militanti nonviolenti riprendono l'arma del digiuno", in "Notizie Radicali" no.289, July 23, 1974.
21) "Manifesto per la difesa delle libertà civili" in "Notizie Radicali", mimeographed, July 8, 1973.
22) "Noi siamo pazzi di libertà": Pannella intervistato da Pasolini, in "Il Mondo", July 25, 1976. Cf. also the reply: "Signori i pazzi siete voi" by Marco Pannella in "Il Mondo", August 8, 1974.
23) Pier Paolo Pasolini, "Apriamo un dibattito sul caso Pannella", in "Il Corriere della Sera", July 16, 1974.
24) Stenographic text of the television discourse in "L'Espresso" no.30, July 28, 1974.
25) Cf. "Pro e contro" in "L'Espresso", July 28, 1974.
26) Open letter of Dom Franzoni to Marco Pannella in "Aut", year III no.24, July 28, 1974, p.13.
27) Cf. "Notizie Radicali", no.289, July 23, 1974.
28) "XX settembre, Una breccia a Viale Manzoni", "Notizie
Radicali", no.307, October 10, 1974.
29) P.P.Pasolini, "Corriere della Sera", cit.
30) Adolfo Battaglia, "Corriere della Sera", July 20, 1974.
311 P.P. Pasolini, "Corriere della Sera", cit.
32) Waldimiro Dorigo, "Corriere della Sera", August 10, 1974.
33) Maurizio Ferrara, "Corriere della Sera", July 18, 1974
34) Giovanni Sapdolini, "Corriere della Sera", July 25, 1974
35) Nicola Matteucci, "Una rabbia liberale" in "Il Mondo", July 18, 1974.
36) "Le lotte radicalia attraverso...", cit. p.29
37) Ibidem, p.34
38) "Liberazione", 15 September 1973
39) "Liberazione", 22 September 1973
40) "Liberazione", 27 September 1973
41) "Liberazione", 11 October 1973
42) "Liberazione", 11 October 1973
43) "Dossier: Movimento socialista e alternativa" in "La Prova Radicale", year II no. 7-8-9, May-July, 1973, pp.45-92.
44) Enrico Manca in "Aut", year III no.24; July 28, 1974.
45) Aldo Ajello in "Aut", yearII no.24, July 28, 1974.
46) Associazioni Cristiani Lavoratori Italiani or Italian Christian Workers Associations.
47) "Le lotte radicali attraverso...", cit. p.39
48) Ibidem, p.40
49) Marco Pannella, "Scacco al regime" in "Aut", year III no.24, July 28, 1974, p.12.
50) The ARA was founded in January 1975 by a group of people belonging to the PR and the PSI or involved in union and journalistic organisations. Its objectives were: a) the renewal of the organisational structure of the Socialist forces and their capacity for ideological and programatic development and of their strategy; b) the leftist alternative to the DC in terms of the programatic content and political orientation of the social forces. It promoted a series of undertakings: "Primo colloquio per l'alternativa " (April 1975); "Quale Socialismo, Quale Europa" (November 1975); "Alternativa e elementi di socialismo nelle communità locali" (September 1975); "La sinistra e la strategia dei referendum" (October 1975). The secretary general was Massimo Teodori, and the treasurer was Piero Bizzari.