These Are The Motions Approved By The Federative CouncilABSTRACT: 1) Having taken note of the Special Assembly in Parliament on the question of hunger in the world, a mandate is given to the federal secretaries and regional parties to organise the sending of postcards to members of Parliament, a pressure campaign on the RAI-TV (1), and to the Secretary to consider the value of holding a national demonstration in Rome; 2) Takes note of the resignation of its President and entrusts its militants with forming a great congressional political project; 3) Decides not to replace the President and to elect a special presidential committee.
(NOTIZIE RADICALI No. 146, September 29. 1979)
These are the motions passed by the Federative Council of September 15 and 16:
"The FC of the Radical Party, having taken note of the Special Assembly of the Senate and the Chamber upon the request promoted by Radical members of parliament, ascertains the total absence of Italian initiatives to prevent the extermination by hunger of millions of human beings as well as Italy's very serious failure even to live up to the commitments it previously made in the U.N., and hopes that the earmarking of 2% of the gross national product will be established immediately along with a plan of urgent action to save before December 31 the maximum number of human beings otherwise irremediably condemned. Gives a mandate to the secretaries of the federal party and the regional parties to actuate the following initiatives:
- the organisation of the signing of postcards addressed to members of parliament asking them to support the urgently necessary actions and the consequent changes in the budget;
- to put pressure on the RAI-TV so that it will give a balanced amount of information about the debate on the extermination by hunger in the world;
- give, furthermore, a mandate to the secretary of the federal party to examine the advisability of organising a demonstration in Rome in October."
"The Federative Council of the Radical Party takes note of the resignation of the president to whom it expresses its appreciation of his intensive efforts which assured the party the extraordinary success in the elections.
"The coming XXIIIrd National Congress imposes the opening of a great debate and of actions adequate to the difficulties and the problems of party growth and the importance of the political challenge which we must overcome in order to affirm through concrete battles the prospects of a libertarian and non-violent alternative.
"The Federative Council appeals to all militants and all Radical politicians, including the comrades of the parliamentary group, to contribute to the formation of a great congressional political project".
"The Federative Council, in not assuming the responsibility of the president's resignation, decides not to replace him but to elect a special presidential committee of the FC composed of Giuliana Sandroni (as co-ordinator), Rita Cenni, Elena Negri, and Mario Signorino, with the specific task of preparing for the congress".
1) The Italian national radio and television.