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Archivio Partito radicale
Pannella Marco - 1 novembre 1980
Interview to Marco Pannella held by Giovanni Serafini

ABSTRACT: A collection of documents on the radicals' libertarian antifascism: to recognize fascism means to understand what it has been and above all what it can be. Apparent antifascism too often hides a complicity with those who represented the true continuity with fascism, the reprise of laws and methods typical of that regime. (" WE AND THE FASCISTS", The radicals' libertarian antifascism, edited by Valter Vecellio, preface by Giuseppe Rippa - Quaderni Radicali/1, November 1980)

Will the Radicals accept Senator Plebe, a fugitive from Democrazia Nazionale ? (1) To judge by the conclusions reached by the party's Federative Council the other day, the question is a cause of no little embarrassment. As everyone knows the doors of the Radical Party are supposed to be open to all. Consequently, if the "intrusion" of Sen. Plebe were to become intolerable to the Radical's membership it would be necessary to review the party statutes. And, in fact, the Federative Council has announced the opening of a debate on the statute, but one should remember that any such decision could only be taken by an extraordinary congress.

The motion approved (a second and much more stringent motion in regard to Plebe was voted down) states that "there is no possibility either inside or outside the party of utilising the political somersaults or the futuristic-cultural extravagances of Sen. Plebe who had accepted a position in the ranks of Fascism

and of Almirante's (the MSI leader, ed.) thugs for five years


1) National Democracy a group that broke away from the neo-Fascist MSI in 1977 but was dissolved in 1979 after its failure at the polls.

after having served for fifteen years as one of the major exponents of the political front ideology". Sen. Plebe, the motion continues, "will not be able to pollute or subvert the image of the Radical Party ". The ultimate meaning of these statements is not clear: do they mean to say no to Plebe's application? Let us talk about it with Marco Pannella.

QUESTION: "Well then, have you decided to close the door? Do you definitely not want this man Plebe?"

ANSWER: "Who ever said so? To reply with a capital NO to Plebe is impossible. For two reasons: the first is that Plebe has not yet applied for membership and we don't know if he is ever going to; the second is that no party organ has the right, according to the party statute, to refuse a new member".

Q. The what is the point of the motion passed by the Federative Council?

A: It is a question of a political judgement highly unfavourable to Plebe. However it does not amount to a "NO". At least not as I understand it.

Q: If Plebe really does ask for membership what will happen?

A: They will have to give it to him. Our statute deliberately does not provide for arbitration councils (no one can be expelled for any reason whatsoever) nor for bodies authorised to pass on membership requests. This is one of the characteristics of our party.

Q: What is the reason then for a motion of this type which cannot be called exactly enthusiastic for Plebe?

A: It seems evident to me that a libertarian statute such as ours causes some embarrassment even to the present Radical directors of the Federative Council. But this whole story is a tempest in a teapot. To be and act as a Radical is not only a question of desire and not even of statutory grades but a problem of capacity. It remains to be seen what contributions the present debate will make to the growth of us all - in the party as well as in Senator Plebe's action.

Q: What is the nature of the embarrassments that you mention?

A: Ours is a party that has grown exceedingly in very recent times. Our old members were perfectly aware of the advantages and dangers accruing to a statute such as ours. The new ones have a kind of understandable fear. To be obliged by the statute to grant membership to a Saccucci or a Pelosi (neo-Fascists, ed.) is no small thing. Some of us are embarrassed: perhaps they are the ones who allow themselves to be impressed by this episode alone and then don't concern themselves with the hunger strike that Spadaccia and Aglietta are holding against the lying and censorship of the regime.

Q: Before you spoke of a "contribution to growth". In what sense?

A: I wanted to say that the Plebe "incident" could be the cause of growth among us, a motive for reflection on the differences existing between our libertarian statute and the Nineteenth Century ones of the other parties. Certainly our statute is a bit mad: if Berlinguer, Almirante and Moro sent to our Congress a greater number of representatives than our own delegates, they could take over the party: because one can even enrol oneself in our congresses. And yet, despite the dangers, despite its being totally open, ours is the only Italian extra-parliamentary party which is not polluted with infiltrators. That's something to think about.

Q: In conclusion, if Plebe asks you to, will you accept him into the party?

A: Certainly. This will not stop anyone from making a political evaluation of him - as the Federative Council did in its motion.

("Resto del Carlino", "Nazione", February 14, 1977,

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