By Alberto SavinioABSTRACT: A collection of documents on the radicals' libertarian antifascism: to recognize fascism means to understand what it has been and above all what it can be. Apparent antifascism too often hides a complicity with those who represented the true continuity with fascism, the reprise of laws and methods typical of that regime.
(" WE AND THE FASCISTS", The radicals' libertarian antifascism, edited by Valter Vecellio, preface by Giuseppe Rippa - Quaderni Radicali/1, November 1980)
A man who is morally, intellectually, and almost physically negative; whose negativeness takes the form of hostility, hatred, and the desire to destroy everything that is positive. Because of these characteristics, the Fascist is close to the delinquent and ends by constituting together with the delinquent one and the same human type. The difference between the Fascist and the delinquent lies in this: while the delinquent is isolated and solitary, - and this solitude composes his drama, his heroism, his poetry - the Fascist is a collective and "social" delinquent. The Fascist when solitary loses his Fascist character, his strength as a delinquent evaporates and he becomes an apparently innocuous man - an average man. It was necessary to discover the secret meaning of the "fascio" (bundle, ed.) as a symbol, or the necessary union to make this criminality work.
(from the "Nuova Enciclopedia", Adelphi, Milan