By Stefano BenniABSTRACT: A collection of documents on the radicals' libertarian antifascism: to recognize fascism means to understand what it has been and above all what it can be. Apparent antifascism too often hides a complicity with those who represented the true continuity with fascism, the reprise of laws and methods typical of that regime. (" WE AND THE FASCISTS", The radicals' libertarian antifascism, edited by Valter Vecellio, preface by Giuseppe Rippa - Quaderni Radicali/1, November 1980)
The Bologna Court of Assizes.
In view of the proceedings and the hearing against a group of reckless youths who, gathered together in a club called "Black Order", heedlessly disturbed the peace of Emilia Romagna in 1974 with their pranks, decides as follows:
With regard to the destruction of the Casa del Popolo (Communist Party Headquarters, ed.) of Maiano by ten kilos of TNT, the charge of attempted murder cannot be entertained considering that the intention of the defendants (as the purely symbolic quantity of the explosive indicates) was merely to arouse the sleepy climate of that small provincial town.
The charge of attempted murder is thus changed to that of improvised disturbance, attempted jolting and improvised aggravated waking up. With regard to the charge of destruction, private suit cannot proceed since Mr. Del Popolo, the holder of the title to the house cannot be located.
With regard to the attack on the twelve-story condominium of Via Arnaud, the crime of attempted murder does not subsist inasmuch as it is not possible in so large a condominium to check each apartment and make sure everyone is out and so it is necessary to risk. The charge is thus changed to one of aggravated damage. The last precedent for damage here in Bologna was pronounced against a defendant who had scratched an automobile with a rusty nail.
The explosive not having been rusty, the charge is changed to simple damage, then to aggravated discourtesy, and finally to the charge of simple rudeness.
It should be recalled that the charge of attempted murder can only be applied in very serious cases, for example, if a band of young delinquents were to ravage the city of Bologna as happened in March. These latter well knew that behind the shop windows there were, completely defenceless, the best-quality pullovers and the most luscious hams in the region. And yet they did not hesitate to break them. We ask that they be given another three years of custody pending trial and exemplary sentences. We are, of course, ready to keep under cover any proofs that the court may ask us for.
Long live anti-Fascism! Long live justice!
Fascism shall not pass.
Or if it does, we shall look the other way.
("Manifesto", May 5, 1978)