By Roberto Roversi"Imperversa, imperversa, prima che sia troppo tardi"
("Rage, rage, while there's still time")
A.M. Ripellino in "Autunnale barocco"
ABSTRACT: A collection of documents on the radicals' libertarian antifascism: to recognize fascism means to understand what it has been and above all what it can be. Apparent antifascism too often hides a complicity with those who represented the true continuity with fascism, the reprise of laws and methods typical of that regime. (" WE AND THE FASCISTS", The radicals' libertarian antifascism, edited by Valter Vecellio, preface by Giuseppe Rippa - Quaderni Radicali/1, November 1980)
Let us leave a trace of the things that have happened.
Because all archives shall be burned.
A sheet of paper under a stone will suffice.
The first wind of March will blow it away to the country.
I had just returned from Vienna.
The Paduan plains were fermenting
loaded with rubble and blood.
Two seas pushed against it behind the tail of a great stream
that lied.
At this point the book of ancient knowledge
fell into my hands
on page eighty I read that in dark times man, man, man
must make a light
even with the fire of a single word.
These are years when they kidnap men and sell them like goods.
The slave dealers today are cowards and dark.
Don't they have ships, don't they have flags?
They are no pirates.
The African negroes were better off in centuries past. Past.
Poetry too, kidnapped and sold, is merchandise.
Awakened by the motor scrapers the dead escape to the hills.
It is the exact time in history when you have to choose and make a stand.
The high kilns caulked by lights sweep away the snow.
A maddened midge cuts across the leaking smoke.
It seems helpless though it's flown for a century.
Anyone living for the first time wants to know the world.
In an attic corner
there was before the flood, a half-truth hidden
among the portraits of a father and the letters of people who no longer have the heart.
Look, ask, interrogate, desire,
Wait, call, offer, doubt.
Violence has always waged the wars
then the these wars have been possessed by the violence of violence.
The violence of the Commune created the Commune,
but a greater violence unmade the Commune.
This violence pursued the Commune
even into the cracks in the walls.
Is it right to die only for the grandeur of history?
Violence is a heap of bones
to be buried.
By now we are in the Twenty First Century.
What do you seek among the high grass?
I follow the grass snake that gives no wine
but emits clarinet cries as it wanders under the ultimate sun.
Following the grass snake I hope to reach the stream
look at the stream
cross the wood
reach the walled city
conquer the city
beat down the walls.
I want there to be one last spring
I want to fix with my Polaroid words
this face of the earth.
When power calls, poetry does not answer.
But when the end is (possible) death
the cithara of the trees and the earth's flash of lightning
cry, it does not fear and accepts the war.
Because words are not fragile
not even in a time of oppression.
("La Città Futura", May 10, 1978)