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Pannella Marco - 1 novembre 1980

By Marco Pannella

ABSTRACT: A collection of documents on the radicals' libertarian antifascism: to recognize fascism means to understand what it has been and above all what it can be. Apparent antifascism too often hides a complicity with those who represented the true continuity with fascism, the reprise of laws and methods typical of that regime.

(" WE AND THE FASCISTS", The radicals' libertarian antifascism, edited by Valter Vecellio, preface by Giuseppe Rippa - Quaderni Radicali/1, November 1980)

"Twelve years ago, in these very hours, Soviet tanks were preparing to enter Prague, they were already on the move.

Against democracy, against Socialism, against so-called national independence, against the self-determination of peoples. During these hours in Poland the fears and the threat of a similar intervention have been implicit in the official declarations of the highest Polish government and party authorities.

At the same time the violent and totalitarian structure of the USSR has been strengthened and the logic of oppression, aggression and war dominates its policies: above all the domestic and the international ones as Afghanistan - with its Russian and Afghani dead - demonstrates.

After more than a quarter of a century since the beginning of de-Stalinisation, Stalinism is triumphant (not necessarily in the most rudimentary and barbarous forms with which it expressed itself in Russia). The bureaucratic and military power no longer knows limits or alibis.

It represents a danger, a danger for mankind.

The all-out nuclear choice, on the civilian even more than the military level, by now has been conditioning the industrial, economic and political structures of the Soviet empire in the Russian North for decades and is pushing for the same in the rest of the world.

The so-called free world (which also includes Bolivia, Mile and the most barbarous alliances throughout the Third and Fourth Worlds) replies by accepting the blackmail, the model of development that the Soviet madness, structural and institutional, ideological and political madness, is obliged to demand from the group of leaders who remain in power. In their most "advanced, responsible, democratic and tolerant" points, the politically democratic Western countries carry on their banners the same ideology and the same policies that were characteristic of the League of Nations as represented by Daladier (and Laval) and the likes of Chamberlain of Munich. The non-resistance to violence, the constant dialogue among the owners of state and productive structures that contain within them the inherent need and fatality of war, of extermination, of the fear of freedom and peace. The North-East and the North-West concur in the yearly extermination of millions of people by means of hunger and "local wars" in order

to invest mad amounts of money in armaments. Yesterday one reacted to Hitler and Mussolini by ignoring, as uncontrollable destiny or as marginal factors, the extermination camps, the nationalistic, imperialistic aggressions, and the anti-liberal, anti-pacific structures. Today one seems to be reacting by taking part in the barbarous actions in order to control them better.

By now the only thing to do is reject all complicity and tolerance for these policies on the part of the total pacifists, the anti-militarists, the unilateralists, the internationalists and the humanist and libertarian Socialists.

On the anniversary of Prague and in the face of the new Danzig situation (after those of the '30s and the '60s) the dangers and the reality of these policies are self evident".

("Avanti" and "Notizie Radicali", August 20, 1980;

an article written for the 12th Anniversary of the

Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, the Polish

situation, and the continuity between Soviet and

Fascist policies)

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