Rome, October 1,2,3 and November 4, 1980ABSTRACT: The document that resulted from the XXIVth Congress is completely different from the motion of the preceding extraordinary congress. This time the motion is lean and to the point. The general and theoretical picture having been drawn in the preceding motion, the present one passes on to the defining of objectives and priorities for the Radical Party's organs and members: referendums and self-financing for the former, and the fight against starvation for the latter.
The Congress elects Francesco Rutelli as Secretary and Silvio Pergameno as Treasurer.
("The Battles, the Victories and the Proposals of the Radicals as Seen in their Congressional Documents and Statute" - November 1985 - edited by Maurizio Griffo - Pamphlet published by the the Radical Party Treasury)
The XXIVth Congress of the Radical Party assumes as a preamble to the Statute the text proposed by the XXIIIrd Congress:
sets August 1982 as the date for an extraordinary Congress for the statutory and thus political re-establishment of the Radical Party, and gives a mandate to the Federal Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Federative Council to begin by January 1981 the work necessary for this purpose;
notes that by now the most important goal is doubtless the holding of the ten referendums which are grave and qualifying issues for Italy's institutions and democracy; each of the ten issues in fact correspond to problems which must be solved with the utmost urgency and which are essential for progress, justice, order and liberty in our country;
therefore indicates to the Party, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Federative Council that all energies must be turned to realising the reforms or the objectives of the referendums without discrimination among them;
confirms as a principle and as an objective and necessary confirmation of the statutory praxis, that self-financing - directed towards the struggles indicated in the motion approved, which constitute the obligatory and binding priority of the Secretary and Federal Treasurer - must be rigorously maintained and wholly actuated;
gives the Treasurer a mandate to expel from the Radical Party all sources deriving from the public financing of political parties in implementation of the instructions expressed in the Bari and Genoa motions, reiterating to this effect the priority of the problem of independent information in the service of the citizens and the country;
entrusts to all Radicals the responsibility for the non-violent struggles decided on in the motion of the XXIIIrd Extraordinary Congress regarding the problems of death caused by starvation and war.