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Archivio Partito radicale
Pannella Marco - 1 marzo 1981
THE LIFE OF JUDGE D'URSO: (44) Statement by Marco Pannella (14 January)

ABSTRACT: The Radical Party's action to obtain the release of Judge Giovanni D'Urso, kidnapped by the "Red Brigades" on 12 December 1980, and to oppose that group of political and press officials who advocate his death to justify the imposition in Italy of an "emergency" government composed of "technicians". On 15 February 1981, Judge D'Urso was released: "The party of intransigence was organizing and is still organizing a coup d'état: for this fascism, as for the fascism of 1921, it needs victims; but this time, unlike what happened with Moro, it has been temporarily defeated. For once, the Red Brigades have not served the purpose. The campaign conducted by Radio Radicale successfully interrupts the blackout on information ordered by the press.

("The life of Judge D'Urso", Who needed it, who sold it, how it was saved - edited by Lino Jannuzzi, Ennio Capelcelatro, Franco Roccella, Valter Vecellio - Supplement to Radical News n.3 - March 1981)

Statement by Marco Pannella (14 January)

We have conquered a life, we have achieved a release. It is a happy day for everyone, without exceptions. We have not won, we have convinced. The State hasn't negotiated, this time not even with Viglione, until contrary is proven. The law has been neither violated nor negotiated. No one has given in to anyone. The intellectual honesty of some papers, the last and the first of which are "Il Messaggero" and "Il Secolo XIX", has saved the image of a press which has revealed dominated by the party of intransigence, which is formed by Bourbons, Jacobins and international meddlers.

A legal coup has been attempted. Appeals have been launched even to the President of the Republic, while waiting for a corpse which should have been sacrificed.

With D'Urso alive, the Stalinist and fascist anger remains unveiled. The project has become manifest; we will defeat it, in the institutions and in the country. And now back to the regime, to the scandals of the regime: this time, the Red brigades haven't served the purpose. Let us start immediately collecting signatures for the indictment of Gioia (1), and suspend General Lo Prete from service to accuse him of high treason. The Radicals joyfully underline that dialogue has won versus negotiation, intransigence and authority. I have been asked what dialogue is: an act of humanity instead of an assassination.

Translator's notes

(1) Gioia: a Sicilian mafioso. The author uses his name ironically.

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