ABSTRACT: By the direct non-violent action held on April 19, 1982 and the spread of information that followed, a step has been taken towards the hope of saving 5 million lives. The resolution of the European Parliament recognises and adopts the reasons of the Radical demonstrators making it the pivot point of a political judgement on the relations between the European Community and the Warsaw Pact countries. Furthermore it again urges the "European Commission" (the governing organ of the Community) to maintain its commitments made in the motion approved subsequent to the Nobel Prize Winners Manifesto-Appeal.
(NOTIZIE RADICALI No.6, May 28, 1982)
"In this brief chronicle of the work of the European Parliament there is also contained the effective results that our demonstration and the correlated dissemination of information intended to obtain: the denunciation of an unacceptable swindle and a step forward in the hope of saving 5 million lives. Testimony to this is the special document in which the European Parliament has ratified with its authoritative support the action of pacifists and Radicals during recent days in the capitals of
Eastern Europe to protest against the responsibility of the Soviet bloc in the holocaust of our times. The resolution of the European Parliament is a document - we repeat - of exceptional importance. It recognises and adopts the motivations of the demonstrators, making them the pivot point of a political judgement that affects the relations of the European Community and the countries of the Warsaw Pact. The responsibility of the ex colonial powers is already well known in the crisis of under development which today condemns the Third and Fourth Worlds to famine and extermination. Every day they denounce it. But this is the first time it has been done by representatives of all the democratic European forces - with the sole exception of the Communist group which left the hall at the beginning of the vote! We denounce with a formal document the analogous and perhaps even more serious responsibility of a group of powers which up until now has thrown the entire responsibility for colonialism onto the West, arro
gating for itself all the merits of behaviour which is flaunted about as supporting the claims to development and freedom of peoples oppressed by the colonial yoke.
The European Parliament, furthermore, has strictly connected the denunciation of the Eastern European countries with solicitations made to the Commission (that is, the European "government") to maintain the commitments it made with the motion approved last autumn after the Manifesto of the Nobel Prize Winners".
Anyone who thinks the fight is without any outcome, should find an eloquent admonition in the tenacity of the Italian Radicals.