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Pannella Marco - 15 giugno 1982
World hunger: comments and remarks
by Marco Pannella

ABSTRACT: In seven points, the political objectives of the struggle against world hunger. The need to organize ourselves on the basis of the absolute priority of a policy based on life.

(RADICAL NEWS n. 8, 15 June 1982)

1) We struggle to impose the respect of a principle, the absolute and direct priority of a policy based on life, and on the organization of life and of peace. It is a "policy" therefore, not a single action, which, no matter how grandiose, is practically and conceptually isolated.

But because a policy based on extermination and war is under way, it is necessary to fight against it immediately and punctually. it is necessary to disarm the exterminators and save the exterminated, with all possible means. It is therefore necessary to base the policy of life and peace on direct and aimed actions, proportional to the size of the extermination and of the war under way. This is the principle we need to impose, that is, the necessary, albeit in itself insufficient, beginning of this policy based on the principle of life.

2) It is necessary to organize ourselves for such purpose. This is the thesis expressed by the 81 Nobel Prizes, and this is what the Radical Party has formally decided to do, with three congress decisions, with the inclusion of a preamble in the party's statute, which is therefore an ordinary norm for the party itself.

It is mainly for this purpose that the party which constituted itself in 1982 operates, organizes itself, and intends to grow. And it is for this objective that, in the weeks of the summer, there has been a 50 per cent increase in the adhesions, which shows the revolutionizing potential for the construction of a new force, for a new order, based on life, on peace, on dialogue, on common sense.

3) We should bear clearly in mind the political principle whereby to "asserting a principle" implies effectively launching an idea, pursuing it and continuing its action; and we need to do this now, immediately. Our goal is to defeat that political and personal tradition whereby "in principle" means "in abstract" and not "in practice", and assert that "in principle" should mean the effective and immediate beginning of a theory based on facts, that is, of a praxis to be followed and respected as a priority. Such praxis should be given not only formal expression, but also political and personal commitment as a priority.

4) This is what those who have decided, in these 10 weeks of summer, to build a new party with us, another party, have started to do. They have renewed their life to give shape, political, historical organization and potential to this new party, to avoid this commitment from being an unexpressed or impotent feeling, or an individual search for a clean conscience. This is what the hundreds of comrades who have already joined us have contributed in doing, resuming and potentiating the practice of nonviolence with fasts, hunger and thirst strikes, enriching it and extending it also on a theoretic basis.

Both cases are the demonstration of the possibility, the need, the use and the convenience that there be no programmed contradiction between objectives and means, but on the contrary a resolve to anticipate and achieve today what we want to ensure for tomorrow. Once again, and this case too, experiencing the difference between the almost beastly procreation of beings that are destined to die, and the human (and "divine") act of conceiving life destined to live.

This policy which can save others can also save itself, unlike the "realistic" policy of all the others, which is consuming everything instead of creating it.

5) It is thanks to the people who have believed in the prejudicial nature of the daily activity of constructing the party, and in the absolutely pre-eminent nature of the battle against mass starvation and in favour of "the three million of living for development and peace", that we are constructing an explicit and general Radical alternative, a new, profound proposal for Christian integrity and for socialist integrity. We are creating a concrete method and a concrete project to solve the crisis of our society (and not just the Italian one). This involves steps in the direction of disarmament, a policy for the acquisition or restitution of resources to life, the quality of life and the development of our generations and our society.

The finding of the necessary "100 billion" to be used to carry out a quantitative and qualitative reform of pensions and to relaunch an employment policy, has in fact a textual as well as contextual value. This is the first attempt ever in our country to give the electorate the possibility of choosing a new policy, capable of converting the military structures and expenses into investments aimed at the achievement of peace and progress, based on the fulfilment of certain human and civil rights which are theoretically acquired by our generations, by society and by people.

But we should avoid the temptation to find a shortcut! This would apart from anything else represent a mystification. Only on the basis of a victory, on the achievement of the objective of millions of living versus extermination, can we give real (and not merely electoral and demagogic) impulse to this revolutionary perspective of a new order and a new welfare.

The main part of the parliamentary group, however, is forced to operate in a sectional way, and the party itself often does the same.

6) For this reason, the members of 1982, in their majority, represent the greatest, objective force of the radical policy as it has evolved in the last years, especially since that extraordinary congress in Rome of March 1980, when the party took the decision to become "another" and a "new" party, privileging the topics of life and of peace, the quest for political solutions to the dramatic social, cultural as well as civil problems of our country in the making of the Radical Party's electoral choices and in the conduction of its political battle.

Most members of 1982 - therefore the party as a whole - represent the first success, in the sense of a common organization with the first addressees of the deliberations of that congress. I would like to underline the fact that this was possible thanks to the party's activity in this direction over the last months.

7) For six congresses, and for four years, the Radical party seemed to be defeated, because the objective of obtaining a law on divorce and the passage of the "Fortuna bill" had failed. For five more congresses, we had to wait for that referendum, which was held in 1974 instead of in 1972.

For the objective of the "three million of living of 1982" as well, we have to acknowledge that - even if in Autumn we managed to win the political, parliamentary battle, as we must try to do - this objective has failed.

However, we can and we must ideally and honestly recognize that the relations of force have changed to our advantage, and that twice, in December 1981 and in July of this year, we we very near to the achievement of a first, sensational victory. This proves that the decision taken at the congress was both wise and necessary.

As for the referendums, we have to face the hard reality to understand the value of figures, and all that they imply. Victory or defeat also mean the sensible and rational conscience of the former and the latter, and they also mean intention and new decision.


We are stronger now

Hundreds of people have already given their support to the Committee's new appeal for the initiatives against world hunger.

On the eve of Parliament's final decision on the law against world hunger, submitted by 1.300 mayors, we address an appeal to the parliamentarians and the political forces, hoping that a law adequate to save at least three million lives in the areas where hunger is most felt will be passed as soon as possible. This action of survival should be linked to an effective policy based on self-sufficiency and development.

It would be a pity if the great moral and political pressure exerted during these months by 80 Nobel prizes, by hundreds of religious authorities, by the European Parliament, by parliamentarians and even ministers of our Republic, were wasted and not used for an extraordinary action of life and of peace on the part of our country.

The adhesions of the mayors

Rome PCI

Arcinazzo (RM) Sin. Ind.

Lariano (RM) DC

Attila (RM) MSI

Civitavecchia (RM) PSI

Monteromano (VT) PSI

S. Marinella (RM) PSDI

Tarquinia (VT) PSI

Tolfa (RM) PCI

Allumiere (RM) PSI

Contigliano (RI) DC

Guidonia (RM) PSDI

Campo di Mele (LT) L. Civica

Bassano Romano (VT) DC

Arsoli (RM) PCI

Calcata (VT) DC

Concerviano (RI) L. Civica

Velletri (RM) PRI

Rocca Prora (RM) DC

Colle Ferro (RM) PCI

Colle Giova (RI) L. Civica

Lubriano (VT) PCI

Nepi (VT) PCI

Genazzano (RM) PCI

Fiano (RM) PCI

Carpinato R. (RM) DC

Genzano (RM) PCI

Cave (RM) PRI

Bomarzo (VT) PSI

S. Oreste (RM) PCI

Roviano Romano (RM) PCI

Marino (RM) PSI

Zagarolo (RM) PSI

Colle Vecchio (RM) PCI

Turania (RI) PSI

Norma (LT) PCI

Gradoli (VT) PCI

Colonna (RM) PSI

Montelanico (RM) DC

Valmontone (RM) V. sindaco

Mentana (RM) PSI

Colle di Tora (RI) Sin. Ind.

Cantalica (RI) Sin. Ind.

Cerveteri (RM) DC

Ladispoli (RM) PSI

Cassino (FR) DC

S. V. del Lazio (FR) DC

Pontecorvo (FR) DC

Piedimonte S. Germano (FR) PSDI

Pescosolido (FR) PCI

Campoli Appennino (FR) DC

Sora (FR) DC

Poggio Catino (RI) L. Civica

Vallerano (VT) PCI

Grattignano (VT) Ind. PCI

Civita Castellana (VT) PCI


Brescia DC

Rezzato (BS) DC

Paitone (BS) DC

Roncadelle (BS) PCI

Briosco (MI) DC

Sesto Calende (VA) PSI

S. Benedetto Po (MN) PCI

Torrazza a Costa (PV) DC

S. Genesio (PV) PCI

Busto Garolfo (MI) DC

Lazzata (MI) PSI

Abbadia Cerreto (MI) DC

S. Giulietta (PV) PSI

Lanata PCI

Pizzighettone (CR) PSI

Colare (BG) DC

Bornago (MI) DC

Borgonovo (MI) DC

Mantova PCI

Argolo Terme (BS) DC

Borno (BS) DC

Calcinato (BS) DC

Cerveno (BS) Ind.

Mazzano (BS) DC

Marone (BS) DC

Ceto (BS) PSI

Bovezzo (BS) PSI

Castel Mella (BS) PCI

Malonno (BS) DC

Malegno (BS) DC

Botticino (BS) DC

Berzo Demo (BS) DC

Montichiari (BS) DC

Castegnato (BS) DC

Cantù (CO) PSI

Cremona PSI

Trovo (PV) DC

Caravate (VA) PSI

Pianengo (CR) PCI

Delebio (SO) DC

Casatenovo (CO) DC

Ciserano (BG) DC

Semiana (PV) PCI

Busto Arsizio (VA) DC


Celle Ligure (SV) DC

Stella (SV) PSI

Sanremo (IM) DC

Ventimiglia (IM) DC

Castelvittorio (IM) DC

Dolcedo (IM) DC

Stellanello (SV) DC

Camporosso (IM) DC

Rapallo (GE) DC

Genova PSI

Lavagna (GE) DC

Sori (GE) PSI

Camogli (GE) PSI

S. M. Ligure (GE) PSDI


Canna (CS) PSI

Castrovillari (CS) PSI

S. Lorenzo Bellizzi (CS) PSI

Scalea (CS) PSI

Torre Vecchia (CS) PSI

Mormanno (CS) PSI

Rossano (CS) PSI

S. Sosti (CS) PSI

Francavilla M. (CS) PSI

Cirò Marina (CS) Sin. Ind.

Paludi (CS) PSI

Montegiordano (CS) PSI

Nocara (CS) PSI

Crosia (CS) PSI

Plataci (CS) PSI

Laino Castello (CS) PSI

Lattarico (CS) PSI

Belvedere Marittimo (CS) PSI

Catnzaro DC

Sellia (CZ) DC

Carlopoli (CZ) PCI

Panietteri (CS) PSI

Pentone (CZ) PCI

Mangone (CS) PSI

S. Basile (CS) PSI

Cosenza PSI

Paola (CS) PSI

Tortora (CS) DC


S. Salvatore Telesino (BN) DC

Caiazzo (CE) DC

Galluccio (CE) DC

Giano Vetusto (CE) DD

Gioia Sannitica (CE) L. Civica

San Pontino (CE) L. Civica

Pesco Sannita (BN) DC

Summonta (AV) PSDI

Benevento DC

Caserta DC

Naples PCI

Calabritto (AV) PSI

Cappaloni (BN) PSDI

Morcone (BN) DC

Nusco (AV) DC

S. A. dei Lombradi (AV) DC

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