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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio Partito radicale
Consiglio Federale Pr - 3 settembre 1982
The Statement of the Federal Council of the Radical Party on the Milan-Comiso March

ABSTRACT: In denouncing the "dangerous double-dealing" of the promoters of pacifist demonstrations who, while demanding the dismantling of the Comiso missile base, agree to the approval of the arms budget in Parliament, the Radical Party asks all of its militants for their maximum commitment to actions against extermination by hunger.

(Supplement to NOTIZIE RADICALI no.33, September 3, 1982)

The Federal Council of the Radical Party, meeting in Chianciano on November 19, 20, and 21, 1982, and deeply worried about the chances of defeat that are weighing on the fight against the installations of missiles at Comiso due to the insufficient sense of responsibility and political capacity of those who chose to make it the principle front for the clash between pro-disarmament militants, democrats and the international and national pro-armaments forces;

in denouncing the grave responsibility - not rarely assumed with fraudulent and political intent - of leaving the true and principal battlefront, for this fight among others, totally undefended, which is the parliamentary and political one of the annual choice for an armament or disarmament budget, of proposals and not of protest, of enduring hope and not cultivated, desperate fear;

in denouncing the dangerous double-dealing of those who are organising large mass demonstrations, and the necessarily final clash, on the terrain of Comiso, while it has allowed and will allow a new government to pass in Parliament the new budget of the Italian State because of the fear of new elections due to this factor among others, and of allowing the country to pronounce its views on this prejudicial and priority choice;

in deploring the rash and sloppy pseudo-mobilising of intellectuals in favour of this policy, which is an incredible re-editing of the frontist approaches of the Fifties, or a mechanical and repetitive caricature of the non-violent anti-nuclear struggles of the CND at the beginning of the Sixties; affirming that from the very beginning the PR had proposed non-violent, parliamentarian political methods and referendums to aid the citizens of Comiso and of Sicily, allowing them to gain force in Rome and Brussels, in Parliament and in the streets of European cities; emphasising the deliberate, constant refusal offered to the Radicals' proposal to fight this battle in the name of life and of the millions in agony, the only real present and immediate alternative thus making Comiso and its inhabitants the direct representatives of the right to life and peace of those who are already succumbing to the massacre under way rather than for another future one;

in affirming that the power of propaganda of the PCI and the majority of the committees operating of other political and labour union forces, has imposed itself not only in Italy, but unfortunately on the European level to the detriment of the truth;

in consequently approving the line enunciated by the its Secretary, commits the entire PR and each of its militants on all levels of responsibility to act immediately - despite the present inequality of power of expression and political communication - to put the emphasis on information and debate on the true ground of the battle against the installation of new missiles in Europe, in the struggle and the actions under way against extermination by hunger in the world, in the parliamentary actions in support of this, in the fight to earmark for the goals of life and the quality of life in Italy the resources that Italy is now spending on rearmament, and in particular the 74 thousand billion lire that already assured in 1986 for the purchase of new arms systems both on the occasion of the confidence vote for the government as well as during the discussions of the budget or of the financial law, and the approval of the mayors' bill to "immediately" guarantee life for "at least three million of those close

to death".

("Unanimously approved").

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