ABSTRACT: The President of the Radical Group, the Hon. Emma Bonino, informs the Hon. Cicciomessere that she has asked the President of the Chamber for a meeting to define the question posed by Cicciomessere himself with his announced resignation as member of the Defence Committee.
29 September 1982
Dear Cicciomessere,
I received your letter regarding the legislative progress on the bills concerning the arms trade with foreign countries.
The questions raised, for which you resigned as member of the Defence Committee, are such as to require not the Group's adhesion to your resignation, with the consequent replacement of another radical MP, but an explanation with the Presidency of the Chamber in order to solve the serious situation which has arisen.
To that end I have asked the President of the Chamber, Mrs Iotti, for a meeting, which I hope will settle the question.
Emma Bonino