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Pannella Marco - 8 marzo 1983
Yugoslavia Marco Pannella's speech at the European Parliament

SUMMARY: The presenter, the Honorable Bettiza, has an extensive and passionate knowledge of the subject. Nevertheless, Pannella states that it is a mistake to treat Yugoslavia"condescendingly". Why don't we ask of this country the same things we ask of ours? Why don't propose that Yugoslavia sign the European Human Rights Convention? Why not mention the Kossovo, with its civil rights problems? Finally, why aren't people willing to talk about and stigmatize the nationalistic and "isolationist" illusion, when we are here, in the European Parliament, precisely because we believe that Nations cannot solve their problems "independently" of each other? Let us face these issues with Yugoslavia as well, and this is the only way to be a true friend of that country.


Pannella (DI) (FR) Mr. President, the quality of the report does not surprise us. We are aware of the quality of the presenter and his extensive and passionate knowledge of this subject.

Having said this, even while in agreement with the report and, by in large, with the actions of our Community, we believe, Mr. President, Mr. President of the Council, but, mainly honorable colleagues, chiefly, the Honorable Bettiza, we believe it is a mistake to treat Yugoslavia condescendingly.

Why not ask Yugoslavia what we ask of our own countries? Why not propose that the Yugoslavian Republic sign the European Human Rights Convention? This scares us. You do not want it to appear in the report. I wish it to be included, and I have presented an amendment for that purpose.

Why can't we mention the Kossovo? in Italy there are people who spent four years in jail before being brought to trial. Now people yell that it is an ignoble thing, unworthy of European justice, of a country governed by the rule of law. Why not pose the same question for the Kossovo,? Why should our Yugoslavian friends suffer from such inferiority complex that they would take offence if we said the same things about their country we are saying about our own? I am not at all in agreement with you, Honorable Bettiza, you know,with your prudence... which seems imprudent to me.

In addition, why not speak of the national-nationalistic illusion, which is isolationist at the cultural level in Yugoslavia, when we are here precisely because we do not believe that nation can solve the problems facing them independently of other nations? Why not say clearly that we wish for Yugoslavia to join our community? These are the politics of 1814, big power politics, which were good only for 1814! Was it really necessary to once again pay homage to the myth of national revolutions, when we are here to make a revolution against the stupidity of national and nationalistic illusions?

Nobody can reproach us for confronting these subjects. Let us then speak about them with Yugoslavia. Only by reaching this level in our relationship can we prove our friendship for this country. Friendship requires trust, first of all. Yugoslavians can teach us many things; why then not talk about our respective basic values?

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