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Pannella Marco - 14 aprile 1984
The Draft of a Resolution Presented by Marco Pannella to the European Parliament

By Marco Pannella

ABSTRACT: The request for the creation of a European Parliament commission to investigate the international drug traffic and "to establish what legislation and measures of international law, political, social, social and economic measures suitable to fighting and eliminating the said multinational criminal system, identifying its true causes and the means by which they establish themselves, the methods and the arms used, the interests protecting them, the goals they pursue, and to propose a coherent battle plan and an adequate system of attack and defense to liberate the world of this scourge and this even more serious threat".

(NOTIZIE RADICALI no.69, April 14, 1984)

"The European Parliament, in consideration of:

1) the grave danger for the countries of the Community and in general all politically democratic countries of a humanistic juridical civilisation and free enterprise represented by the impetuous establishment of multinational criminal organisations producing and selling drugs;

2) the fact that the work of these organisations results in an unprecedented attack on international social order and in the Community and the individual countries, striking at the laws and the very economic and financial systems of the democratic world while seemingly capable of controlling the institutional life of entire countries, especially in South America and the Far East;

3) the fact that in the last decade the UN and the individual nations have lost battle after battle on all levels of this very hot front of contemporary life as is indicated by the spread of production zones from a limited number of provinces to the greater part of the South American continent as well as the growth of the army of drug addicts which they control and have increased to tens of millions of individuals and which danger has consequently been subjected to geometrical growth;

4) the statistics and the estimates of the various democratic countries struck by this scourge which indicate that more than 80% of the crimes such as thefts, robberies and assaults are to be attributed to drug addicts seeking to find money to procure the drugs they need;

5) that the drug and arms traffic notoriously live in symbiosis and that drugs are often used as coin to pay for arms;

6) considering that many authoritative, official information sources affirm that the conjoined arms-drug traffic is protected and exploited by totalitarian countries, beginning with those of Eastern Europe, to destabilise political democracies as well as Third World countries;

7) that the proceeds of the said criminal multinationals are by now calculated in terms of many billions of dollars annually for the European area alone and that everywhere the conversion and recycling of these immense profits threatens and corrupts all sectors of the productive economy and of international politics, even the most delicate, thus creating power relationships that are always more disadvantageous for the democratic world and its institutions;

8) that the fight against the system of these criminal organisations can only be conducted on the international level with a single strategy, with adequate and converging laws and arms, with international legal norms and a coherent co-ordination of these norms on the executive level; Having determined:

1) on the one hand, the absolute urgency of adopting and applying a winning strategy, and on the other, a realistic estimate that on the international level many years will be required to reach that objective;

2) that the European Community and the single states do not appear to be adequately organised and equipped for this battle being waged against them and which seriously wounds them;

3) that all efforts must be assured for support of the public and private initiatives to rehabilitate drug addicts with particular regard to the federated therapeutic communities on the one hand, and on the other to strengthen the invaluable work of the United Nation's specialised organisation for the conversion of the cultivation of opium and cocaine, which are the only existing fronts operating capable to some degree of circumscribing the spreading of the scourge;

1) Commits the Commission and the Council to assure the maximum support of the Community and the individual member states to the UN Fund for the Control of Narcotics in Vienna, to promote the conversion of cultivation in the countries traditionally producing opium and cocaine;

2) Equally commits the Commission and the Council to give maximum support to the activities of the therapeutic communities for the social rehabilitation of ex drug addicts in the countries of the Community; Decides

1) on the creation of an investigating committee to establish what legislation and measures of international law, politics, social, social and economic measures are suitable for fighting and eliminating the said system of multinational criminality, discovering its true causes and the means by which it establishes itself, the methods and the arms used, the interests which protect it, the goals it pursues, and to propose a coherent battle plan and adequate measures of defense and attack to liberate the world from this scourge and this even more serious threat;

2) to invite the Commission to intervene with the member states to activate the apposite U.N. Narcotics Commission for this goal and not only the sectorial aspect of the prevention of drug consumption, and to present a report on this initiative within three months from the adoption of this resolution;

3) to charge its president with sending the present resolution to the Commission, the Council, the governments of the member countries and to the secretary general of the United Nations".

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