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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio Partito radicale
Consiglio Federale Pr - 18 novembre 1984
A lifesaving decree by Christmas

ABSTRACT: The Radical Party's Federal Council, pointing out that the enhancement obtained by the party at the Congress foreshadows an actual progress of the campaign aimed at the passage, by Christmas, of the law against mass extermination , confirms that this is the party's chief objective in this moment, and hopes that the intentions to participate in the Christmas March will involve more and more political, religious and civil personalities, and addresses an appeal to all those who intend to support the campaigns for life, asking them to contribute financially to the Radical party's efforts aimed at not impairing the possibility of a success for the political initiative in the coming weeks.

(RADICAL NEWS No. 74, 10 May 1984)

The Radical Party's Federal Council, met in Chianciano on 16, 17 and 18 November 1984,

"while confirming" the analyses and the general political perspectives outlined in the motion passed by the 30th Federal Congress of the Radical Party;

"having considered", in the light of the reports of the secretary and of the treasurer, the first activities for the planning and the enactment of the objectives established on that occasion;

"pointing out" that in less than two weeks the federal party has ensured a quantity of commitments in the country and in Parliament which have further enhanced the positive outcome of the 30th Congress and which have foreshadowed an actual progress for the campaign aimed at ensuring a 1984 Christmas characterized by life and hope for the potential victims of mass extermination;

"approving the decision" of the party's secretary, to immediately add, through his fast, the political value of the nonviolent commitment to the campaign project outlined in the congress motion;

"confirms" the party's top priority objective, that is, the passage, within one year, of a law respecting the fundamental elements of the Piccoli bill, or the alternative achievement of a decree which anticipates its time requirements

For this purpose the Federal Council

"hopes" that the intentions expressed by the religious, institutional and political forces which sponsored the Easter March and the demonstrations connected to it of convening a march for life and hope for Christmas will translate themselves into a formal decision as soon as possible, and for its part deliberates that the work started by the federal party should go in this direction, to order to inform the country, with the uttermost force, of this final deadline.

"Invites" all the militants and all those who have operated for the passage of a law aiming at peace and life, to mobilize in all ways, starting with the upcoming debate at the Chamber foreign affairs committee; so that the nonviolent praxis in support of the action started by the party's secretary may increase in number and quality of subjects as well as in precision of objectives.

Such nonviolent initiatives should mark the legislative itinerary, at the same time urging a clear stance on the part of the civil and religious authorities which already in these years have greatly supported the request for a lifesaving decree.

The Federal Council, in consideration of the deadlines and of the objectives to be achieved in the coming 40 days and in consideration of the financial target established by the congress motion,

"addresses an appeal" not only to the militants of the party, but to all those who intend to support our campaigns for life, peace, democracy and justice, so that the extraordinary timeliness of the memberships and endorsements may guarantee the end of a dire situation of want of means which could seriously impair the possibility itself of enacting a political initiative in the coming weeks.

"Underlines" the absolute necessity for the constitution of the 1985 Radical Party to be ensured by the greatest possible number of citizens by Christmas, and first of all on the part of the last year's members, with an increase in their respective daily fees which should not be limited to the simple adjustment to the inflation rate.

The Federal Council

"invites" the citizens and the members to participate in the assemblies convened in the different regions for 24 and 25 November and for 1 and 2 December, so that these may represent moments of constitution of the 1985 Radical Party, moments of preparation of the Christmas March, and moments of public discussion on the state of the party and on the organization of its political campaigns.

The Federal Council "charges" the party's bodies with the task of convening the assembly of the associations by the end of January, in relation also to the session of the Federal Council which will be entirely devoted to the debate on the state of the party, and which is scheduled for 18, 19 and 20 January.

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